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  • China, Gandhi or RSS? The real reason India snubbed RCEP trade pact

    • Showman Modi invoked Gandhi as he pulled out of ‘the world’s largest trade deal’
    • Did he forget to mention protectionist Hindu nationalists and the gaping trade imbalance with China?

    Until this week, few people would have used the word “intrigue” in the same sentence as the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership”.

    After all, even something touted as “the world’s largest free-trade deal” starts to lose a bit of pizazz after 28 rounds and seven years of talks.Enter Narendra Modi, India’s prime minister and a man seen by supporters and detractors alike as the ultimate showman-politician.

    In a move few had expected, he announced at a summit of 16 countries involved in the deal – known as the RCEP – that India would not be signing up after all.

    It was like a bubble of hype had suddenly burst. Had all gone to plan, with the involvement of both China and India, the RCEP would have covered nearly half of the world’s population and around 40 per cent of its GDP. Yet, stripped of the world’s second-most populous nation, the hubris lay bare for all to see.

    It was not meant to be this way. While India has long been a holdout in the negotiations, the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) bloc that conceptualised the pact in 2012 had hoped Modi was about to reveal a breakthrough in eleventh-hour talks to seal the deal.The expectation was that New Delhi would at least say it was on the same page as the other 15 countries in wanting to bring talks to a “substantial conclusion”. That was supposed to have happened this time last year, but was pushed back a year to accommodate general elections in Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, and India.

    Clearly, the Indian prime minister had different plans.


    In the closed-door summit where he revealed his decision, Modi’s comments underlined his political nous. He crafted a message that was not only meant to placate the frustration of the other 15 leaders, but also indulged in political haymaking for his domestic audience.

    The prime minister chose not to reference the nightmarish scenes the RCEP’s domestic critics had painted: of small businesses going bankrupt because of a flood of cheap mass-produced Chinese products, and of millions of dairy farmers going hungry because consumers’ heads would be turned by milk products from New Zealand and Australia.

    Instead, he invoked the country’s most edifying symbol – Mahatma Gandhi.

    The government said later in a public statement that it had engaged in the talks in good faith, but had no choice but to pull out as it had not secured the assurances it asked for.

    Among its demands were for stronger wording on rules of origin, for the base year for the reduction of duties to be 2019 instead of 2014, and for companies investing in India to procure a certain percentage of input materials locally.

    Appearing to hold out an olive branch, Piyush Goyal, the Indian trade minister, said New Delhi’s future accession to the RCEP was still possible because as with all “international engagement and relations”, the doors should “never be shut with anybody”.

    But among Asean members, the mood was grim. A trade ministry official from one mid-sized country told This Week in Asia it felt it had been “taken for a ride, big time”, having witnessed New Delhi’s negotiators extract many concessions, only to drop out of the pact at the last minute.

    Until the day before Modi’s announcement, India had given no indication it was about to take such a drastic step.

    Negotiators from three Asean countries told This Week in Asia they were particularly frustrated because Indian officials had made fresh demands only last week, just as the other countries were working furiously to sew up loose ends. India, though, denies this account of events.

    Still, at least in public, the bloc is saying India’s options are open.While the 15 countries – Asean plus China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia – had concluded “text-based negotiations”, they acknowledged in a joint statement that they would continue working with India on outstanding issues.

    China, the biggest of the 16 economies, pledged to work with New Delhi to find a way forward.


    Within the Indian commentariat, conversations have revolved around the merits of Modi’s sudden U-turn, the manner it was made, and whether “the talisman” of Gandhi was indeed the decisive factor.

    MK Venu, a veteran political journalist, wrote that the invocation of Gandhi might have been an attempt to “hide deep structural weaknesses plaguing the economy”.

    One common theory was that the heavy friendly fire the government was taking for pressing ahead with the RCEP had become too much to bear for Modi.

    The trade pact’s most strident opponents came from within Modi’s Hindu nationalist ranks.

    The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), the economic wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) – the ideological parent of Modi’s ruling party – last month staged a nationwide protest against the trade pact.

    Following Monday’s developments, the group and its leaders, including the economics professor Ashwani Mahajan, have received acclaim from pro-government supporters for the campaign. Deepak Sharma, the SJM’s spokesman, said Modi’s decision was “an acknowledgement of the interests of all Indians”.

    Along with Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the SJM and RSS are among the groups that form the Sangh Parivar – an umbrella term for the nation’s Hindu nationalist organisations.

    Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, an author of books on Modi and the Hindu nationalists, said the lobbying efforts by the Sangh affiliates played an important role in the prime minister’s decision.

    The New Delhi-based commentator said the decision should be seen in the context of prevailing political circumstances in India: the BJP’s failure to register big wins in two state elections last month, and rising anxiety about the state of the economy.

    Modi won a resounding general election victory this year, but citizens were anxious “because they don’t have money in their hands”, he said.

    Compounding the problems were the lobbying by the Sangh Parivar and a last-minute salvo from the opposition party that created the impression Modi was “compromising on the Indian farmer and the Indian consumer”. That situation, coupled with the long-standing belief among Indians that “reforms are anti-poor and pro-rich”, left Modi in a tight spot when it came to the RCEP, Mukhopadhyay said.

    Other analysts said the U-turn was just the latest example of the growing clout of the SJM and other Sangh Parivar affiliates.

  • 電子支付時代來臨!德國人卻對現金情有獨鍾



    研究德語國家高現金支付現象的商業心理學家克切勒(Erich Kirchler)表示,「掌控權是主要因素,我們不想屈就,我們要現金能提供的自主性、自由、實用性。」





    甚至連倫敦街頭表演藝人也開始使用無現金交易。派翠尼(Francis Petrini)已有2年街頭表演經驗,每次表演他都會帶著讀卡機,讓民眾方便捐款或購買專輯。派翠尼表示,讀卡機確實讓他的收入增加,因為民眾時常沒有隨身攜帶現金。

    人類學家史考特(Brett Scott)認為,「無現金交易社會」其實是「銀行化社會」,因為這些交易完全依賴銀行及其發展出來的系統。不過,「銀行化」雖然也在德國發生,但德國人對於大企業掌權依然較反感。

  • 德国经济未接近真正的衰退 不需要刺激措施–财长肖尔茨

    柏林11月8日 – 德国财长肖尔茨在接受Euronews采访时表示,德国尚未接近真正的衰退,但正经历一段增长放缓的时期。他补充称,解决“人为的”全球贸易紧张将有助于提振经济。



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  • 美国走上负利率之路? 基金经理和策略师们不这么认为

    纽约11月8日 – 别预期欧洲和日本实施的负利率接下来会输入至美国,因为欧日两大经济体正现实地上演央行刺激政策走岔了的戏码。





    “如果你仔细听鲍威尔和美联储其他代表官员的说法,他们并不想采用负利率,”PIMCO集团投资总监伊凡申(Dan Ivascyn)指出。






    “千万别说永远不会,但美国的确不愿意将利率降至零下方,”PGIM Fixed Income的多行业和策略主管Greg Peters说。






    资产管理公司Vanguard的全球利率和汇市策略师Anne Mathias也表示,实施负政策利率的可能性不大。


    对Richard Bernstein Advisors LLC执行长Richard Bernstein来说,负利率意味着“痛苦的衰退。”


    DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund (DBLTX.O)的联席投资组合经理Andrew Hsu对负利率的副作用发出警告。



    贝莱德(Blackrock)(BLK.N)全球固定收益首席投资官Rick Rieder表示,他认为美联储不会采行负利率。




  • 美股展望:投资者转而追捧价值股 小型股蓄势待发

    纽约11月8日 – 市场分析师表示,随着价值股的上涨,受挫的美国小型企业股将蓄势待发,不过,小型股可能很快地因经济遇挫而再次下跌。






    “收益率上升告诉我们经济在走强,”位于达拉斯的Hodges Capital Management资深副总裁兼投资组合经理Gary Bradshaw说。“(鉴于)市场热点轮换至价值题材,表现落后于大型股的小型股肯定可以追赶上来。”

    Bradshaw表示,近几个月他所在的Hodges增持了小型价值股的仓位,比如石油天然气公司Matador Resources (MTDR.N)和Parsley Energy(PE.N),以及拥有Chili’s连锁餐厅的Brinker International(EAT.N)。


    RBC Capital Markets纽约的美国股市策略主管Lori Calvasina表示,今年早些时候,小型股公司的获利增长速度逊于大型股公司,偏离了通常的模式。




    “如果没有达成贸易协议,而且有更多迹象显示美国经济愈发疲弱的话,小型股将受到重创,”Jefferies驻纽约股市策略师Steven DeSanctis表示。“但我看到(经济)增长保持得很好。”

  • 日本麦当劳CEO等6人获“年度西装”奖


    11月7日,日本经济新闻社在东京举行了2019年“Suits Of The Year”颁奖仪式。麦当劳日本控股的社长兼首席执行官(CEO)卡萨瓦尔(Sarah L.Casanova)获得商业奖,还有其他6人分别获奖。2018年的获奖者、全家公司社长泽田贵司也参加了颁奖仪式之后的聚会,与获奖者们进行了恳谈。

    该奖用于表彰以“身穿西装发起挑战”为理念的人士,2019年是第二届。由日经电子版《NIKKEI STYLE Men’s Fashion》与世界文化社的男性商务时尚杂志《MEN’S EX》联合举办。


    商业奖 VISITS Technologies公司CEO松本胜

    创新奖 日本国立天文台水泽VLBI观测所教授、所长本间希树

    艺术与文化奖 演员草刈正雄,盆栽师平尾成志

    特别奖 原橄榄球日本代表队队长广濑俊朗


  • IMF:全球债务达到188万亿美元 创新高




  • 全球亿万富豪的财富经历五年增长后首次下滑 受累强美元及股市



    但单是2018年,亿万富豪的财富下跌了4.3%。瑞银财富管理超高净值客户部主管Josef Stadler表示,“美元走强,加上各地股市在艰巨的地缘政治环境下日趋不明朗,因此财富出现下滑。”



