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  • Thai King Maha Vajiralongkorn: 5 things to know about his wealth, his 4 marriages, and his 546.67-carat diamond

    Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn, officially known as King Rama X, has been listed as the world’s richest monarch, with estimates of Vajiralongkorn’s personal wealth ranging from US$30 billion up to US$43 billion, reports Reuters and South China Morning Post.

    King Vajiralongkorn is considered the richest royal in the world, beating out Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, who came in second with a total wealth valued at US$28 billion, and King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, who came in third with an estimated net worth of US$18 billion.

    Here are 5 things you need to know about King Vajiralongkorn, the richest royal in the world:

    As a child, King Vajiralongkorn attended a palace school in Bangkok, but by the age of 13 he was sent to two private schools in the United Kingdom for five years, and then went to a school in Sydney, Australia, for a year. He spent the next four years being trained at the Royal Military College, Duntroon, in Canberra.

    Vajiralongkorn then continued his military training in Thailand and became an officer in the Thai armed forces. According to a BBC profile, he is a qualified civilian and fighter pilot, often flying his own Boeing 737 when travelling overseas.

    Most of Vajiralongkorn’s wealth is held in the Crown Property Bureau

    The title holds 16,210 acres of land in Thailand, with 40,000 rental contracts nationwide, including 17,000 in the country’s capital, Bangkok.

    In Bangkok, the Crown Property Bureau owns around 3,281 acres of land, with parts of it being located in prime real estate areas, such as the heart of the business district. According to a 2011 biography on Vajiralongkorn’s father, King Bhumibol, A Life’s Work, its property holdings in the Thai capital are estimated to be worth US$33 billion.

    The Golden Jubilee Diamond is part of the crown jewels and is an astonishing 546.67-carat brown diamond, making it the largest faceted diamond in the world.

    The diamond has an estimated value of US$4 million to US$12 million according to Worthy, a luxury goods appraisal website. However, if sold at auction, this stone would likely fetch a significantly higher price because it is one of a kind and remains the largest cut and polished diamond on the planet.

    Today, the Golden Jubilee Diamond remains in the Royal Thai Palace, where because of its size value, it is always carefully guarded.

    US$9 billion of Vajiralongkorn’s net worth is in stocks

    In 2018, the Crown Property Bureau, the organisation that controlled the royal fortune on behalf of the monarchy, announced that assets previously held by Crown Property would be transferred to the King.

    It’s estimated that King Vajiralongkorn has a 23 per cent stake in Siam Commercial Bank, Thailand’s second-largest lender, and a 33.3 per cent stake in Siam Cement Group., the country’s largest industrial conglomerate. These two holdings have an approximate value of US$9 billion.

  • The glamorous life of Boohoo billionaire Mahmud Kamani and his family: parties, celebrities … and lots of hard work

    The rise of the Kamani family is frequently described by the British tabloids as one of the UK’s great “rags to riches” tales.

    Mahmud Kamani, the patriarch of the family, is the 55-year-old billionaire behind Boohoo, which for the uninitiated, is the UK’s buzzy fast fashion clothing company that has achieved explosive growth in the past few years and is considered one of the few retailers to have dodged the retail doom and gloom.

    Kamani, who is now one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country and has worked his way up the UK’s rich list to be worth nearly US$1.5 billion, started his career selling cheap clothes to market stallholders and high-street brands in the UK (including H&M and Primark).

    He went on to set up Boohoo with co-founder and designer Carol Kane in 2006, with the idea of cutting out the middle man and selling directly to customers online.  

    From the start, Boohoo’s business model was based around being ultra-fast and ultra-cheap; around 3,000 new styles are added each week across its core brands with an average price between US$17 and US$20.

    Since going public in 2014, the company has grown to include a host of other brands including PrettyLittleThing, Nasty Gal, and most recently, Coast and Karen Millen, and under the umbrella of Boohoo Group Plc is valued at more than US$3.8 billion.

    Group sales have nearly tripled in the past two years, hitting £856.9 million (US$1 billion) for the financial year ending in February, and the company now has its sights firmly set on becoming a global brand with equivalent status to Zara or H&M.

  • 密码保护:穆迪将明年全球多国的主权评级展望从“稳定”下调至“负面”


  • 阿曼称OPEC+可能在12月延长减产协议 但不太可能加大减产力度



    “我认为可能会延长减产协议,但不太可能加大减产力度,除非未来几周有重大事件发生,”非OPEC成员国阿曼的能源部长Mohammed bin Hamad al-Rumhy在阿联酋首都阿布扎比举行的能源会议上对记者表示。




    全球第三大石油进口国印度的石油部长Dharmendra Pradhan表示,地缘政治紧张局势令石油消费国感到不安,此前,全球最大石油出口国沙特的多家石油工厂遭袭,导致其产量一度减半。













  • Is hard work enough to lift anyone out of poverty? This question divides the nation

    If you just work harder, you’ll get ahead.

    It’s a seductive concept, and essentially the view of 50 per cent of Australia Talks respondents, who agreed with the statement: “In Australia, anyone who works hard enough can get out of poverty.”

    Forty per cent of respondents disagreed.

    For those who haven’t followed it, the ABC’s Australia Talks National Survey questioned nearly 55,000 people across the community to get a nationally representative sample of what the nation thinks.

    And a majority of people across the nation think “if you have a go, you’ll get a go.”

    There’s logic to this view — Australia is a developed country with solid public education and health systems that should, at least in theory, offer everyone in the community a baseline of opportunity from which talent and hard work can shine through.

    But those who work on the frontlines of poverty reduction almost unanimously say the notion that hard work alone can lift someone out of poverty is just plain wrong.

    “People are incredible, and people who really face lots of adversity can find a way to break through, with luck and hard work and good will,” says Matthew Cox, who runs the Logan Together program, which aims to break the poverty traps in one of Australia’s poorest areas.

    It’s hard to find someone more upbeat than Matthew. In our half-hour interview he constantly returns to the positives of Logan — it’s diversity, energy and opportunity — and the successes his program is already enjoying, ensuring more kids get a good start in life.

    But even Matthew isn’t so optimistic as to think that everyone living in poverty can haul themselves out by force of will and effort.

    “Those examples, in my experience, are the exceptions to the norm,” he continues.

    “If you are born into a particular set of life circumstances where there are structural, economic, cultural barriers that you face then, on average at a population level, that’s just not true.

    “So, we can certainly see people who are the exceptions, and all those wonderful stories about people beating the odds are heart-warming because they’re exceptional.”

    I also spoke to Suzanna. For many years she ran a fairly successful small business with her husband; they owned their own house and car.

    But when his personal problems led to the collapse of the business and the breakdown of their marriage, Suzanna found herself left with nothing but thousands of dollars of business debts that had been taken out in her name.

    She found herself staying at her adult son’s house and, when that wasn’t tenable anymore, she moved between friends.

    And she has this message to the 50 per cent of Australians who think getting out of poverty is just about hard work.

    “It’s definitely not true. You don’t know what’s around the corner,” she tells me.

    “I never thought I’d be in this situation, especially in my 50s, so it can happen to anyone.

    “I did work hard all my life and, at the end, I’ve ended up being homeless.

    Emeritus Professor Frank Stilwell from Sydney University’s Department of Political Economy has just written a book on economic inequality in Australia and around the world, and he isn’t shocked by the Australia Talks response.

    “Frankly, if you haven’t lived in a state of extreme poverty yourself, you’re unlikely to understand the vicious circle characteristics that actually prevent people escaping from that trap in practice,” he tells The Money.

    “So, the fact that 50 per cent of people effectively blame the poor for not working hard enough to get out of poverty doesn’t surprise me at all.

    “But I think if the roles were reversed they might see the situation a little more sympathetically.”

    Strong concern about ‘steady march’ of wealth inequality
    An apparent contradiction in the Australia Talks survey is that, while half the population thinks escaping poverty is just a matter of hard work, 81 per cent of people say wealth inequality is a problem in Australia.

    Perhaps, as Professor Stilwell suggests, this reflects the lived experience of more people — while relatively few Australians have experienced genuine poverty, most Australians are at least somewhat aware of just how well the economic elite are doing relative to them.

    Although they may not be entirely aware just how big that wealth gap between the top and bottom has become.

    “The trends in the distribution of wealth show a steady march of inequality,” Professor Stilwell observes.

    “The wealthiest 10 per cent of households now have over 50 per cent of the total wealth.

    “In other words, the poorest 90 per cent have only as much as the top 10 per cent.”

  • Woolworths与Coles进军中国市场 力推澳洲商品



    据了解, 在2019年上海国际进口博览会期间,Woolworths和Coles均在食品及农产品展区设立了展位,向中国消费者推介自有品牌的澳大利亚食品。

    据悉,11月7日,Woolworths与中国大型连锁超市集团永辉超市(Yonghui Superstore)签署合同,将该公司的产品通过后者的零售网络带到中国。









    据《金融评论》(Financial Review)报道,Coles参加了今年的上海国际进口博览会,向中国消费者推介其自有品牌的牛肉,并打算于明年三月在中国设立办事处,将澳大利亚的优质牛肉出售给中产阶级消费者。


    澳大利亚肉类及畜牧业协会(meat & livestock australia)公布的统计数据显示,截至今年九月,中国紧跟日本,成为澳大利亚第二大牛肉出口国,并很可能在鼠年春节前进一步增加进口量。


    在中国,假冒澳大利亚红酒随着新兴中产阶级购买力的上升而泛滥。 (Weibo: Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department)


    据了解,永辉集团下属超市曾因食品安全问题多次被中国媒体曝光 。那么,在其与Woolworths开展合作后,如何保证消费者不会买到假冒或变质澳大利亚产品呢?


    “全球公认澳大利亚是一个提供清洁、绿色、安全产品的国家。因此,Woolworths相信中国的顾客会像澳大利亚本地顾客一样喜欢该超市的产品,”Woolworths国际业务部总经理克里斯·克拉蒙德(Chris Cramond)说。

  • 新加坡金管局27亿元推广绿色金融



    配合绿色投资计划(Green Investments Programme)的推展,金管局首个投资项目是投入1亿美元到国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlement)的绿色债券基金,支持它的全球绿色融资计划。

    教育部长、金管局董事会成员王乙康昨天(11月11日)在新加坡金融科技节及新加坡科技创新周(SFF X SWITCH)会上做出这宣布。







    王乙康在演讲时说,新加坡在绿色借贷领域也开始起步,拥有巨大增长潜能。例如,房地产发展商向银行取得绿色贷款,用来发展绿化建筑、安装太阳能板,以及重新装置节能设备。本地医疗领域私募股权投资公司Quadria Capital最近获取一笔6500万美元融资,这是全球首个融资利率与改善可持续性表现挂钩的信贷工具。





  • 倦怠不治疗 可恶化成抑郁症







    • 学会拒绝无法应付的多余责任。若可以选择,尽量把多余的责任或工作给其它人分担。
    • 学会忙里偷闲,抽个时间小休(约20分钟),再回到工作岗位。不要有内疚感,这是“充电”时间。
    • 尽量把工作留在办公室做,别带回家,尤其知道自己已出现倦怠感。




  • Humans or machines? Elon Musk & Jack Ma face off over future of AI

    One of the biggest challenges for human beings in the next two decades will be the lack of more human beings, according to Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma and Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

    The billionaire techpreneurs met on one stage at the World Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference in Shanghai on Thursday to debate the power of AI and the future of computers.

    Ma believes artificial intelligence poses no threat to humanity, claiming that compared to humans, computers are just a toy. The best resource in the world is the human brain, he says, explaining: “It’s impossible that humans could be controlled by machines. They’re machines that are invented by humans.”

    Musk disagreed with Ma, noting that computers are getting smarter than humans in more and more spheres and that the trend will continue. “We will be far, far surpassed in every single way. I guarantee it,” he said to Ma. He pointed to advances in chess and the Chinese board game of Go as evidence of progress in AI, saying “Your cell phone could crush the world champion of chess, literally.”

    Arguing his point, the Tesla and SpaceX founder said humans are capable of creating things that are superior to people. Humans are not the last step in evolution, Musk suggested, warning that people must be wary of thinking that they are smarter than they really are. “The most important mistake smart people make is that they think they’re smart. Computers are already smarter than people. We just keep moving the goalposts,” he said.

    Ma, who seemed at times to be bored or puzzled by Musk’s comments, as he frequently pulled pained expressions and raised eyebrows, disagreed with his opponent’s statements.

    “Computers may be clever, but human beings are much smarter,” Ma repeated. “We invented the computer – I’ve never seen a computer invent a human being.”

    According to the e-commerce giant founder, AI will open a new chapter so that humans will know themselves better. “Most of the projections about AI are wrong … people who are street-smart about AI are not scared by it.”

    While insisting that he is “not a tech guy,” Ma added: “I think AI can help us understand humans better. I don’t think it’s a threat.”

    Musk countered: “I don’t know man, that’s like, famous last words.”

    Ma said he believes that with AI’s help, humans could eventually reach a point where the average workweek is only 3 days long, and the workday averages 4 hours. That opens the opportunity for humans to enjoy life more, and live longer, he said, adding: “We need to be ready to enter the era where everyone will get to live [to] 120 years.”

  • ‘I (won’t) be back’: Why is the latest ‘Terminator’ such a flop?

    Far from a return to form, ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ has flopped at the box office. Was the movie’s failure the result of misogyny, or indifference toward a Hollywood that doesn’t know when to put an old dog down?

    Billed as a worthy successor to 1991’s universally-loved ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’, ‘Dark Fate’ had a big pair of cyborg boots to fill. After a slew of uninspiring sequels, the return of series creator James Cameron as producer was seen as a good omen, and critics scored the flick higher than any entry since 2003’s ‘Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines’.

    But demand for the film was not as great as expected. ‘Dark Fate’ pulled in only $29 million on its opening weekend in the US. In China – a market where moviegoers have spent more than $2.23 billion on Marvel movies – it only managed to earn $28 million. Unless a dramatic turnaround comes, sources at rival studios predict the movie may leave Paramount, Skydance and Disney $100 million in the hole.

    The movie’s 2019-correct makeover could have something to do with it. Starring three leading women, ‘Dark Fate’ is very much a female-driven enterprise. Liberal media, of course, have celebrated this, with Gizmodo squealing with delight that “Terminator: Dark Fate’s Post-Judgment Day Future Is Female, and We’re Here for It,” and Vox declaring “Terminator: Dark Fate is all about the kickass ladies.” 

    The Guardian called internet grumbling about the movie a “kind of misogynist backlash,” while Slate called ‘Dark Fate’ “the gayest Terminator yet”  – for no other reason than its reviewer fancied leading lady Mackenzie Davis.

    ‘Dark Fate’ also treats viewers to some very Trump-era imagery: social commentary on automation displacing blue-collar jobs, a sympathetic portrayal of Mexican immigrants, and even a fight at a detention center for illegal immigrants. 

    “Go woke, go broke” exists as a phrase for a reason. Hollywood’s current obsession with gender-swapped reboots and minority representation has left audiences sour and cost studios money. The 2016 all-female reboot of comedy classic ‘Ghostbusters’ bombed at the box office, and an all-female remake of ‘Ocean’s 11’ left viewers unimpressed. Plans for a black, female 007 in the next James Bond movie and a female Thor have also drawn ridicule from fans.

    But a backlash to woke culture alone doesn’t explain the latest Terminator’s flop. After all, James Cameron was always a pioneer of the strong female lead, with Sigourney Weaver’s leading role as Ripley in ‘Aliens’ and Linda Hamilton’s portrayal of Sarah Connor in the Terminator franchise ticking the “badass women” boxes long before studios went out of their way to make sure their heroes have ovaries.

    And most viewers who actually went to see ‘Dark Fate’ over the weekend liked it, rating the movie 85 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

    It’s far more likely that 35 years after Arnold Schwarzenneger first told viewers “I’ll be back,” nobody gives a crap about Terminator any more. The 1984 ‘Terminator’ opened to $4 million, out of a $6 million budget. ‘Terminator 2’ took in $31.7 million on its opening weekend, or almost $60 million in today’s money. 

    The three sequels since then have all taken in between $27 million and $44 million on their opening weekends, but scored poorly with critics. Until the latest installment, reviews for each Terminator film since ‘Judgment Day’ have been steadily going downhill, and the prospect of another disappointment could have led fans to simply stay at home instead. 

    But a backlash to woke culture alone doesn’t explain the latest Terminator’s flop. After all, James Cameron was always a pioneer of the strong female lead, with Sigourney Weaver’s leading role as Ripley in ‘Aliens’ and Linda Hamilton’s portrayal of Sarah Connor in the Terminator franchise ticking the “badass women” boxes long before studios went out of their way to make sure their heroes have ovaries.

    And most viewers who actually went to see ‘Dark Fate’ over the weekend liked it, rating the movie 85 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

    It’s far more likely that 35 years after Arnold Schwarzenneger first told viewers “I’ll be back,” nobody gives a crap about Terminator any more. The 1984 ‘Terminator’ opened to $4 million, out of a $6 million budget. ‘Terminator 2’ took in $31.7 million on its opening weekend, or almost $60 million in today’s money. 

    The three sequels since then have all taken in between $27 million and $44 million on their opening weekends, but scored poorly with critics. Until the latest installment, reviews for each Terminator film since ‘Judgment Day’ have been steadily going downhill, and the prospect of another disappointment could have led fans to simply stay at home instead.