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  • 台風19号とその後の大雨 農林水産被害額 3000億円超える








  • The bias of bias-reducing methods – bias training, bias reporting, and bias warnings do more harm than good

    Recent attempts to address bias and stereotypes – including bias training in the workplace, bias reporting hotlines on campuses, and warnings about bias and racism in movies – are not only ineffective, they make matters worse.
    Bias training creates workplace tensions where they didn’t exist, while also reducing employment opportunities for those it aims to protect. The encouragement of bias reporting on college campuses restricts free speech, encourages hoaxes, and “institutionalizes surveillance.” Movie warnings posted by entertainment companies condescend to their viewers, treating them like bigots and racists foaming at the mouth at the prospect of seeing outdated depictions of racial and other stereotypes.

    Bias Training

    With revenues of approximately of $8 billion per year, the bias training industry is big business. Nevertheless, the enterprise has been considered highly ineffective, even dangerous.

    The notion of implicit bias gained currency with the introduction of the Implicit Association Test that supposedly measures the prevalence of “implicit bias.” But the test has failed to predict racist or other bigoted behavior. Its predictive failure has led scholars to doubt whether implicit bias can even be measured, let alone be correlated with behavior.

    It is little wonder, then, that workplace bias training has produced such miserable results. Bias training has not only exacerbated workplace tensions, it has even reduced the employment opportunities of those it sought to protect. “That’s right,” remarks Time columnist Joanne Lipman, drawing on studies by Harvard organizational sociology professor Frank Dobbin and others; “companies that introduced diversity training would actually employ more women and black men today if they had never had diversity training at all.”

    Bias Reporting Hotlines

    Responding to a supposedly steep rise in hate crimes and incidences of alleged bias on campuses, at least 260 colleges and universities across the US have instituted bias reporting hotlines, with such reports reviewed by response teams (BRTs) established to adjudicate reported cases of “bias incidences” perpetrated on minorities.

    But bias reporting hotlines have caused problems of their own, including posing threats to constitutionally-protected speech, apparently encouraging a spate of “racist” hoaxes and, with BRTs operating behind closed doors and without transparency, producing a chilling effect on campuses. Bias reporting hotlines and BRTs, as well as the prevalence of no-platforming by activists, have combined to create free speech crises in American academe.

    Warnings on Films

    The film industry, most recently Disney, has also gotten in on the action, posting warnings on old films indicating that the movies include “outdated cultural depictions” of minorities. With the introduction of its new streaming service, Disney-Plus, several old Disney movie cartoons warn viewers of these outdated depictions, which some critics found insufficient. But even Disney’s warning is pedantic and insulting to viewers, who must now be cudgeled by their PC overlords before watching a cartoon.

    The Bottom Line

    The problem with such bias-reducing methods is not that bias, stereotypes, bigotry, or racism do not exist, but rather that such institutional means for supposedly counteracting them actually produce more of what they intend to eradicate. In berating the would-be racist or bigot in advance, they produce resentment for the minority populations that they pretend to protect. Nothing is more effective for generating racism than anti-racism programming.

    That’s because these anti-bias, anti-racism, anti-bigotry mechanisms and methods always are behind the real trends in culture and society and are likewise redundant. The message they convey to the supposed racist or bigot is that he or she must nevertheless be monitored, reported-on, and reminded of what racists they really are, even if only unconsciously. Is it any wonder that resentment for such liberal elitism has blossomed in the US?

  • Deutsche Bank deploys an army of robots to replace 18,000 workers

    As part of a radical $8.3 billion restructuring plan, the multinational Deutsche bank has so far axed over 4,000 jobs, with some 18,000 more staff cuts to come by 2022.

    The use of artificial intelligence has “massively increased productivity” in certain sectors of the business, according to Mark Matthews, the head of operations for Deutsche’s corporate and investment bank.

    He told the Financial News that so far “680,000 hours of manual work” has already been saved.The bank has “used bots to process 5 million transactions in its corporate bank and perform 3.4 million checks within its investment bank.”

    Matthews said the headcount “will continue to go down; there’s no question about that. Our model is to reduce costs and, at the same time, improve our control environment and the client experience.”

    Deutsche bank is pushing to “automate large parts of its back-office” via a new strategy called “Operations 4.0,” as part of its $6.6 billion savings initiative over the next three years.

  • 新加坡拥屋计划优惠期结束 房市料难续反弹


    今年初,政府与代表发展商的马来西亚房地产发展商会(REHDA),联手推出了2019年拥屋计划(HOC 2019),协助国人以较低的成本和门槛购买房屋。




    根据澳洲房产集团永利行(Raine & Horne)大马分公司Raine & Horne International Zaki +Partners公司指出,今年上半年,产业市场比起去年同期好很多。产业成交量和成交总值,分别按年增长6.9%及0.8%。






    “2020年财政预算案料将刺激国人的产业投资意愿,尤其是首购族,可通过各项融资工具,有能力购买人生中的第一间房子。 况且,政府正大力推广TOD (Transit Oriented Developments),即以公共交通为导向的综合发展计划,这类发展概念将让购屋者更轻易的进出主要地区,但愿此举也可协助降低生活成本。”



































  • 新加坡本地研究:相较组屋和公寓 有地住宅居民染骨痛热症风险更高



    一篇由国家环境局环境卫生学院、卫生部和南洋理工大学生物科学系去年发表在美国热带医学和卫生学会(American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene)的论文,分析了新加坡2013年至2016年的骨痛热症流行病学规律,发现住房类型跟染病率息息相关。












    相信是在19世纪通过航运从非洲落户东南亚国家的埃及伊蚊(Aedes aegypti),是传播骨痛热症的祸首。本地研究发现,随着城市化和人口增加,有伊蚊孑孓滋生的房地产整体上占2%,维持在低水平,但在有地住宅中却特别高。


  • China’s civil service exam attracts 1.4 million applicants with eyes on the prize of an ‘iron rice bowl’ job

    China’s civil service exam attracts 1.4 million applicants with eyes on the prize of an ‘iron rice bowl’ job

    A young woman does some last minute revision for the public service exam on Sunday. 
    • Security and a steady income continue to be a major draw, despite 60-to-one odds against success
    • Most popular positions are at the National Archives Administration and State Administration for Market Regulation, report says

    More than 1.4 million Chinese sat an examination on Sunday in the hope of landing one of just 24,000 government jobs up for grabs.

    The national public service exam, or guokao as it is known in Mandarin, is a hotly contested annual event, with this year’s entrants having just a one-in-60 chance of success.

    The jobs on offer are in 86 central government agencies and 23 institutions directly attached to them, with the successful candidates set to take up their positions early next year, China News reported.

    This year’s 1.44 million registered test-takers represented a 4 per cent increase from last year, but fell below the 1.66 million who sat the exam in 2017, the report said.

    The guokao has long been a big draw for Chinese jobseekers as government jobs are regarded as providing an “iron rice bowl” of security and money.

    The number of people registering for the test first passed 1 million in 2009 as China, like the rest of the world, battled the fallout from the global financial crisis.

    Some of the most sought-after positions on offer this year are at the National Archives Administration and the State Administration for Market Regulation, the report said.

    All candidates are required to sit a written exam covering areas such as Chinese politics, international affairs, language and logic. Those applying for positions in the fields of finance, public security and foreign affairs also have to take a professional skills test.

    China has made job creation a top policy priority in recent years, given the pressure on economic growth and its vast numbers of university graduates.

    The country’s urban unemployment rate stood at 5.1 per cent in October, down from 5.2 per cent in September, according to official figures.

    More than 11 million new jobs were created in the first 10 months of the year, matching the government’s full-year target.

  • How Costco gained a cult following — by breaking every rule of retail

    Costco has found immense success by prioritizing the interests of its customers and employees over those of its shareholders.

    On first impression, Costco makes no sense.

    It is a place where you can buy, in the course of one trip, a 27-pound bucket of mac and cheese, a patio table, a wedding dress, a casket, a handle of gin, a tank of gas, a passport photo, a sheepskin rug, a chicken coop, prescription medications, life insurance, a $1.50 hotdog, and a $250,000 diamond ring.

    Items sit on wooden pallets in dark, unmarked aisles. Brand selection is limited. And you pay a $60 annual membership fee just to get in the door.

    The end goal: To cut the “fat” out of traditional retail and pass on the savings to loyal customers and employees.

    This philosophy often anguishes Costco’s shareholders — but it has also earned the company a cult following around the world. At a time when brick-and-mortar retail is crumbling at the feet of e-commerce, Costco has experienced steady growth.

    How did this nondescript chain of warehouses find success?

    A brief history of Costco

    In 1954, an attorney named Sol Price inherited a vacant airport hangar in San Diego.

    He raised $50k in capital, stocked up on wholesale jewelry, furniture, and liquor, and launched Fedmart, a warehouse-style store where government employees could pay a $2 membership fee to access an assortment of deals.

    By the time Sol sold Fedmart in 1975, he’d grown it into a $350m-per-year, 40-location chain — and ushered in a new age of “membership club” retail.

    But Sol wasn’t done. The following year, he launched Price Club, a one-stop shop that offered everything from car tires to dishwashers at heavily discounted prices. Price Club went against the common grain of business school textbooks: It didn’t advertise. Its stores were ugly and bare-bones. And it refused to gratuitously mark up items.

    Among Sol’s protégés was a young whippersnapper named James (Jim) Sinegal.

    Sinegal began his career in retail as a 19-year-old bagger at Fedmart and, over two decades, worked his way up to the company’s EVP of merchandising. He continued on to Price Club — and by the early ‘80s, he was well-steeped in Sol’s strategies and ready to branch out on his own.

    In September of 1983, Sinegal and his pal Jeff Brotman launched the first Costco in Seattle, a giant retail warehouse modeled on Sol’s unique principles.

    By 1993, Costco was such a looming threat that Price Club (its inspiration) agreed to a merger. The resulting company, PriceCostco, was short lived: Four years later, it was rebranded simply as ‘Costco,’ and Sinegal assumed the throne.

    Today, Costco is one of the world’s largest retailers, boasting 770+ locations and 245,000 employees. Last year, it had more than $140B in sales.

    But unlike many of its counterparts on Fortune’s Global 500 list, Costco has risen to the top by flying in the face of traditional wisdom.

    1. It refuses to boost markups

    “If [saving the customer money] doesn’t turn you on,” Sinegal, who retired as CEO in 2012, once said, “then you’re in the wrong business.”

    Surely enough, Costco’s immense buying power allows it to finagle deep discount deals with vendors, and the savings are always passed down to its shoppers.

    Costco has stated in the past that it caps its markups at 14% for brand-name items, and 15% for its in-house Kirkland brands — even wine, which is notorious for its 200% to 300% markups elsewhere.

    But according to the company’s 2018 annual report, the average item in the store is only marked up 11%, compared to the 25%-50% often seen in retail.

    That means that if Costco pays $100 wholesale for, say, a pound of Wagyu beef, it sells it to you for a mere $111. Because Costco buys in such large volumes, its purchase price is often lower than other retailers to begin with; add in the company’s reduced markups, and you’ve got yourself a much cheaper piece of meat.

    In fact, Costco’s prices are so low that it barely breaks even on its merchandise sales. And despite pressure from investors over the years, it has refused to boost its markup.

    Not long ago, Costco was selling Calvin Klein jeans for $29 a pop — already $20 less than almost anywhere else — when a change in its purchasing deal meant Costco could get them for even less from the vendor. Instead of keeping the extra profit from the improved deal, it lowered the jeans’ price to $22.

    “Many retailers look at an item and say, ‘I’m selling this for $10; how can I sell it for $11?’ We look at it and say, ‘How can we get it to $9?’ And then, ‘How can we get it to $8?’” Sinegal later said. “It is contrary to the thinking of a retailer, which is to see how much more profit you can get out of it. But once you start doing that, it’s like heroin.”

    So, how does Costco make its money?

    2. It charges people to enter its stores

    Forty years ago, most retailers would’ve considered it crazy to charge customers money for the right to wander through their doors and buy stuff.

    Yet, Costco’s members gladly pay annual fees ($60 for “Gold Star” and $120 for “Executive”) because they believe that having access to the chain’s economies of scale and bulk quantities justifies the upfront cost.

    As of 2018, 51,600,000people pay Costco membership fees, good for $3.14B in annual revenue. More impressively, the renewal rate is a whopping 90%.

    Unlike other discount chain customers, the majority of these cardholders are largely affluent ($100k+ income) and college-educated. They’re also, as it turns out, extremely cultish in their devotion to the wholesaler: There are Costco blogs, Costco forums, and Costco Facebook groups with thousands of followers.

    “I love spreading the word of Costco to anyone who will listen,” writes one fan, who goes by ‘The Costco Connoisseur.’ “I have been to over 179 Costco Warehouses across 33 states and 5 different countries.”

    Retail experts attribute this rabid devotion to the membership card, and the shared appreciation of frugality that it signifies.

    “There is a certain exclusivity in the Costo card that makes you a part of a tribe,” says Pam Danziger, of Unity Marketing. “This built-in brand loyalty has carried them very far.”

    Another byproduct of charging shoppers a fee upfront is that it preempts them to defeat the sunken cost fallacy: Since they’re out $60 before even setting foot in the store, they feel they have to indulge in as many deals as possible to make up for it.

    At Costco, this often means buying products in much larger volumes.

    3. It stocks massive volumes of few products

    Prevailing retail wisdom tells us that excess choice is good — that shoppers want to walk down the chip aisle and be able to pick from 100 varieties and brands. Costco, on the other hand, acts as a bulk curator for its customers.

    The average warehouse stocks just 3,700 SKUs at any given time, less than 1/10th of most supermarkets’ 40,000 to 50,000 items, and not much more than the average corner store. Often, Costco provides only one or two brands in a given category.

    “They know their customers very well,” says Danziger, “and this enables them to limit choices to things their customers are most likely to want.”

    In doing so, Costco solves the paradox of choice — a conundrum consumers encounter when an abundance of options causes stress and delays decision-making.

    There is also an economic incentive to stocking fewer items: With less selection, there is less labor. In retail, every hand that touches an item (stocking, organizing, rearranging) costs money. Costco’s supply chain is rigged to minimize contact: Items are removed from trucks and driven straight to the aisles on forklifts, where they sit in giant pallets, waiting to be plucked by shoppers.

    But less, of course, is often more.

    While Costco stocks less, it sells items in titanic quantities. If you want eggs, expect a 90 pack. Waffles? 60 to a box. Mayonnaise? 4-pound tub. And good luck finding a single bag of Hot Cheetos: They only come in packs of 64.

    This is because the company understands that it makes more financial sense for a shopper to spend $400 once per month than $100 in 4 separate trips: It saves customers time, but also reduces Costco’s expended resources.

    4. It reengineers products to be cheaper

    Because Costco stocks limited inventory in massive amounts, it is extremely fickle about the vendors it chooses to work with.

    When Costco comes across a product it likes, it often spends months working closely with the vendor and its factories to both reduce the price of an item and amp up its quality. 

    In the 2012 CNBC doc “Costco Craze,” a Costco buyer related one tale about a toy he found that retailed for $100. The company had the option of buying the unit for $50 wholesale and selling it for around $60 — but this wasn’t good enough.

    Over a period of months, Costco ended up working with the vendor and its factory to redesign the toy from the ground up, analyzing every part of the process for ways to cut costs. In the end, Costco got the vendor to reduce the price by 50%, and sold it for $30.

    The profit margin Costco made from the toy at $30 was the same it would’ve made at $60: The time and resources the company invested to lower the price were strictly for the benefit of their shoppers.

    In another instance, reengineering a container of cashews from a circle to a square shape allowed Costco to stack more items in a single truck, reducing the number of shipments by 24,000 pallets per year. For shoppers, this meant cheaper nuts.

    But Costco’s most important initiative has nothing to do with the products it sells.

    5. It realizes the economic incentive for treating employees well

    Retail workers are among America’s lowest-paid employees, earning an average of around $10 per hour. They rarely get full benefits, and their employers view them as expendable (turnover rates are as high as 65%).

    But Costco realizes that it is more cost effective to retain happy employees and — brace yourself — actually pay them a livable wage, than it is to churn and burn. 

    The average pay among its 245,000 workers (143,000 full-time, 102,000 part-time) works out to $21 per hour, double the national retail average and nearly 2x Walmart’s going rate. Moreover, 88% of Costco workers receive company-sponsored health insurance.

    This mentality that has earned the company some of the highest retention rates in the industry — and many employees stay at Costco for more than a decade.

    “I don’t see what’s wrong with an employee earning enough to be able to buy a house or have a health plan for the family,” Sinegal once told the Los Angeles Times

    Investors, however, haven’t always seen it that way.

    6. It values its customers over its shareholders

    CEOs of public companies often blame unpopular decisions — price hikes, layoffs, cutting corners — on their “responsibility to maximize shareholder value.”

    In the last 30 years, the percentage of corporate profits going to stockholders has increased from 50% to 86%, resulting in fewer deals for customers and less money for employees. This investor-first mentality has, in many ways, harmed American industry.

    Since the day Costco went public in December of 1985, investors have complained that the company has been “too generous” with its customers and employees. They’ve called for higher markups on goods, steeper prices, and reduced benefits for workers.

    But Costco has always insisted that their policies aren’t just altruistic — they’re good for business: By sticking to their principles, stock has gone up 387% since 2000.

    “On Wall Street, they’re in the business of making money between now and next Thursday,” Sinegal told the New York Times in 2005. “We can’t take that view. We want to build a company that will still be here 50 years from now.”

    In other words, about twice as long as the shelf life on its 27-pound tubs of mac and cheese.

  • New investments fell to a 15-year low in the midst of slowdown, says report

    • A CARE Ratings report says that new investments in India fell to a 15-year low in the first half of FY20.
    • The total new investment in H1 FY20 stood at ₹1.9 lakh crore.
    • Investments in manufacturing, construction, real estate and irrigation have increased but those in mining, electricity have taken a hit.

    The Indian economy is in a dismal state and now a CARE ratings report shows that new investments in India fell to a 15-year low in the first half of FY20.

    The total new investment in H1 FY20 stood at ₹1.9 lakh crore. During the same period in the previous year, as much as ₹6.1 lakh crore were pumped into the economy.

    According to the report, investments in manufacturing, construction, real estate and irrigation have increased but those into mining and electricity have taken a hit.

    “The investment rate has declined consistently over the years and remained range bound between 28%-29% of GDP in the past 4 years. This has been a detrimental factor for the overall economic growth of the country,” said the report.

    Odisha had the highest share of new investments, and has overtaken Maharashtra.

    Investments are also slowing down because of the rising number of stalled projects. In FY19, 53% of government owned projects were stalled. However, in FY20, half of the stalled projects are privately owned. Most of the stalled projects were seen in the services sector, followed by electricity and manufacturing.

    The report stated that the reason for stalled projects has been lack of non- environmental clearances and lack of funds.

  • 英杰华决定保留新中保险业务

    保险业者英杰华集团(Aviva PLC)周一表示,公司决定保留在新加坡和中国的业务,但对香港、越南和印度尼西亚业务战略选项的评估仍在继续。






  • 少子化高龄化若持续 日本896县市可能消失







































    宫田麻子主导改革 首先整修公厕





    配合环境改造 商家增添惠民设施




    翻新公屋改善居住环境 一些地方宜居对策见功效








