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  • アメリカと中国は貿易交渉の第1段階の合意を踏まえ、日本時間の14日午後、互いの輸入品に上乗せしている関税の一部を引き下げます。2年にわたって激しい貿易摩擦が続く中、関税の引き下げは初めてのことになります








  • 2019 年北京房市

    如果用一个词来形容 2019 年的北京房市,那就是「清冷」。在「房住不炒」和「因城施策」的指导下,北京房市波澜不再。

    2019 年,北京市新建商品房销售好于去年。根据北京市住建委公布数据,2019 年 1-3 季度,全市商品房销售面积为 584.9 万平方米,同比增长 43.7%。其中,住宅销售面积为 495.1 万平方米,增长 62.2%。与之对应,2018 年 1-3 季度,北京市商品房销售面积为 407.1 万平方米,同比下降 27.9%。其中,住宅销售面积为 305.2 万平方米,比 2017 年同期下降 17.7%。

    2019 年,新建商品房价格稳中略升,大量限竞房项目陆续上市。相比 2015 年,北京市当前的新建商品房价格较之上涨了 44.1%,在四个一线城市中是最低的。相比去年同期,北京市新建商品房价格上涨了 5.4%。综合交易价格及交易量来看, 2019 年的北京市的新建商品房市场比较「稳健」。

    2019 年的新房的销售增长进一步挤占了二手房的成交量。2019 年二手房成交量为 14.5 万套,比 2018 年减少 8,475 套,同比下降 5.5%。2019 年,北京市新房、二手房共成交 21 万套,其中,二手房成交量占比为 68%,相比 2018 年下降了 8 个百分点。

    在北京房产市场,不仅是不断推出的共有产权房对购买力进行了分流。北京市的限竞房项目在 2019 年大量上市,对商品房市场,尤其是对二手房市场的影响更为直接。一、二手房价格倒挂的情况在部分地区变得突出,二手房对购房者的吸引力下降。此外,链家、我爱我家等二手房中介公司开始承接新房项目的营销推广,成为新建商品房项目的获客渠道,二手房客源被持续导向新房市场。这也成为了推动新房销售占比提升的重要原因。

  • 2019年资产管理人员的薪资中值(包括奖金)为16.7万美元,较2018年增长16.4%



  • Macy’s Inc. plans to close 125 of its least productive department stores — almost a quarter of the total — over the next three years and cut about 2,000 jobs as part of a large restructuring

    Macy’s Inc. plans to close 125 of its least productive department stores — almost a quarter of the total — over the next three years and cut about 2,000 jobs as part of a large restructuring.

    The stores, including 30 that are already in the process of being closed, account for about $1.4 billion in annual sales, the company said in a statement. Across the rest of the locations, the company is adjusting its staff — reducing in some locations and increasing it in better-performing stores. The shares climbed as much as 3.5% in late trading.

    Analysts have said Macy’s is weighed down by too many stores in underperforming malls. It currently has more than 600 Macy’s across 43 states. Last month, it reported encouraging sales numbers for the crucial holiday season, but said it would close more than two dozens stores as it adjusts to changes in the way consumers shop.

    Consumers have grown more comfortable shopping online and ditching the in-store experience. Department stores, in particular, have suffered and last year, they sized up as the worst sector in the S&P 500. Many have invested in pop-up shops and brand partnerships to entice shoppers back into stores. The loss of foot traffic in department stores has had a ripple effect in malls across the country, which depend on the “anchors” to draw people to the centers.

  • 近140个国家政府已经同意在未来几个月推动修改实施数十年之久的跨境税则,以适用于数字时代





  • 俄罗斯“远东一公顷”项目


  • 美国联储局在今年首次政策会议上维持利率不变,联邦基金利率目标范围维持1.5厘至1.75厘


  • 美国无党派的国会预算办公室(CBO)周二预测,美国经济今年将以2.2%的“稳健”速度增长,但联邦预算赤字将达到1.015万亿美元



  • 国际货币基金组织(IMF)周二敦促政策制定者密切关注诸如不断上升债务水平等的金融脆弱性,可能对全球经济构成中期风险




    但在经济周期的这个阶段,全球金融状况进一步放宽和金融脆弱性上升可能会威胁到中期的增长,IMF货币与资本市场部门主管Tobias Adrian及其副手Fabio Natalucci在博客上表示。


  • While Hawaii is synonymous with calm and serenity for many, house prices have accelerated over the past decade

    While Hawaii is synonymous with calm and serenity for many, house prices have accelerated over the past decade. At the start of the 2010s, median home prices across the Hawaiian islands had fallen to $450,124, down from a pre-recession peak of $537,100 in 2006, according to the online real estate database Zillow. On the back of an average annual growth rate of 4.1 per cent, by the end of November 2019 median prices were $636,451 — higher than in any other US state. Limited supply of development sites has been a significant factor in driving up prices — almost half of the state is conservation land.

    The unbroken period of growth may be set to change, with Zillow forecasting a 0.8 per cent dip across the islands in 2020. “Hawaii is the only state where we’re forecasting prices to drop this year,” says Zillow economist Jeff Tucker, who predicts the market hitting an “affordability ceiling”, with not enough willing buyers left to keep pushing up prices.

    Situated in the Pacific Ocean, six hours from California by plane and around eight hours from Japan, Hawaii covers almost 11,000 square miles. It consists of eight main islands, ranging from the densely populated Oahu, home to the capital city Honolulu, to the sprawling Big Island of Hawaii, and other outer islands such as Maui and Kauai, the rugged “garden isle”.

    Tucker says this influx of wealthy second-home owners is the cause of the “unusually large” disparity between home prices and local incomes. “The price to income ratio in Oahu last quarter was a staggering 8.3, meaning the typical home price was equivalent to over eight years of the median local household income,” he says. “In the US as a whole, that figure was 3.7.”

    This disparity has become unsustainable, Tucker argues, hence Zillow’s predicted correction in the housing market. A 2019 report from the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organisation found that the state’s population, now at 1.42 million, began to decline in 2017, with restrained economic growth and high living costs considered possible factors driving emigration.

    However, agents are adamant that the most exclusive neighbourhoods will hold their value. This is due in part to a wave of tech multimillionaires arriving from California, the state with the highest level of migration to Hawaii.

    Norman notes the recent arrival of “much younger” tech workers to Kauai, alongside a traditional clientele of “wealthy bohemian” pre-retirees or retirees purchasing second homes. As the world frets about invasion of privacy through data sharing, Silicon Valley tycoons value the area’s seclusion. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg bought a former sugarcane plantation on Kauai in 2014 for a reported $100m.