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  • Dump the dollar: Russia has now gotten rid of over 96% of its US debt holdings

    Moscow has continued to sell off US Treasury securities, cutting its stockpile by US$8.73 billion in March, according to the latest data from the US Department of the Treasury.

    Russia’s holdings of US state debt amounted to $3.8 billion in March, compared with $12.5 billion a month earlier. Three years ago, the amount stood at $105 billion. Moscow has liquidated over 96 percent of its holdings in that period. The country’s long-term US Treasury securities decreased by $928 million, while short-term securities plunged by $7.8 billion to just $473 million.

    Japan remains the biggest holder of US state debt since June 2019. Tokyo held US Treasury bills worth $1.27 trillion in March, having increased its investment by $3.4 billion from a month earlier. 

    The second top foreign holder of US Treasury notes, China, has continued to make modest cuts to US debt holdings, slashing its portfolio by $10.7 billion to $1 trillion.

    Russia used to be one of the major holders of US Treasuries, but since May 2017, it has been steadily cutting this investment, in line with its de-dollarization policy and in response to sanctions imposed by Washington. 

    As a matter of state policy, Moscow has also been diversifying its reserves, increasing bullion purchases to record levels, and earning the title of the world’s most committed purchaser of gold. The country’s total gold holdings amounted to 73.9 million troy ounces (2,298 tons) as of March, and are worth around $120 billion, according to the latest data from the Central Bank of Russia.

  • JB Financial Group accelerates digital transformation

    JB Financial Group said Monday it will launch a team that will play a central role in the group’s digital transformation.

    According to the North Jeolla-based provincial financial group, the team will be comprised of 15 lower-level employees from each of the group’s affiliates, and will be tasked with strengthening JB’s digital capabilities and promoting a digital culture.

    The team will study digital technologies including artificial intelligence and blockchain, and incorporate these in developing digital products and services.

    The team will also plan digital events and take part in competitions, the group said.

    JB said members will be recognized for outstanding ideas with rewards from the CEO.

    “We plan on achieving two goals through the launch of the digital team ― spreading a company-wide digital culture and fostering the talents of digital experts,” said Park Jong-choon, heading JB Financial’s digital transformation division.

  • US facing severe crisis, but not a depression: Fed’s Powell

    The United States is facing a severe economic downturn amid the global pandemic, but will not suffer another Great Depression and will see a recovery begin later this year, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Sunday.

    The world’s top economy was strong before the COVID-19 outbreak hit, like a natural disaster, causing nationwide business shutdowns, Powell said. And the banking system had been rebuilt stronger since the global financial crisis.

    Data show more than 30 million jobs were destroyed in the US, as businesses were shuttered nationwide amid the efforts to stop the spread of the virus.

    For the April-June period, the economic data “will be very, very bad. There’ll be a big decline in economic activity, big increase in unemployment,” Powell told the CBS program “60 Minutes.”

    But “there’re some very fundamental differences” between the current crisis and the Great Depression of the last century, he said.

    The US economy could “easily” collapse by 20 to 30 percent this quarter, and unemployment could peak at 20 to 25 percent, but, “it should be a much shorter downturn than you would associate with the 1930s.”

    The other key difference is, rather than raising interest rates, the Fed slashed lending rates to zero and is prepared to come up with new ways to support growth, Powell said.

    Growth resumes Q3

    “I think there’s a good chance that there’ll be positive growth in the third quarter,” he said.

    But he warned it may take time to return to normal and the US may not see a full recovery without a vaccine to treat COVID-19.

    “I think you’ll see the economy recover steadily through the second half of this year,” Powell said.

    But “it’s going to take a while for us to get back,” he said. “It could stretch through the end of next year. We really don’t know.”

    Asked about the need for a vaccine to treat the illness and put a stop to the coronavirus pandemic, Powell stressed the importance of consumers to the economy.

    “For the economy to fully recover, people will have to be fully confident, and that may have to await the arrival of a vaccine,” he said.

    The Fed rushed in even before the economic lockdowns were fully in place, slashing the benchmark lending rate and pumping trillions of dollars into the financial system and into lending programs to support corporations, small- and medium-sized businesses and state and local governments.

    The central bank chief said the Fed is prepared to do more to support the recovery.

    But he repeated his message that the economy likely will need more government spending to support workers and businesses to allow the economy to recover, beyond the nearly US$3 trillion already approved by Congress.

    “If we let people be out of work for long periods of time, if we let businesses fail unnecessarily, waves of them, there’ll be longer-term damage to the economy. The recovery will be slower,” he said. 

    “The good news is we can avoid that by providing more support now.”

    The crisis “has come on so quickly, and with such force, that you really can’t put into words the pain people are feeling and the uncertainty they’re realizing,” he told CBS.

  • Banking giants are rolling out new video services and fresh mobile features for everything from wealth management to insurance. The heightened digital activity amid the coronavirus crisis comes just as traditional banks were contemplating how to fend off competition from virtual banking start-ups

    Banks in Asia’s financial hubs, such as HSBC Holdings and Citigroup, are finding that the disruption from the coronavirus outbreak is helping them push back on a threat from a new breed of virtual upstarts.
    With branches shut, customers social distancing and fearful of tainted cash, the banking giants are seeing a surge in demand for digital services for everything from wealth management to insurance. Now they are rolling out new video services and fresh mobile features for retail and affluent clients, speeding up a transformation to cement customer loyalty and reduce costs, according to consultants and bankers.
    “Most banks are using this as an opportunity to sharpen their strategy,” said Fergus Gordon, growth markets banking industry lead at Accenture. “There will be a longer-term impact on their balance sheets.”s
    The heightened digital activity comes just as bricks-and-mortar banks were contemplating how to fend off an onslaught of fresh competition from virtual banks that are being allowed into Hong Kong and Singapore.
    For HSBC, which gets about a third of its revenue in Hong Kong, the stakes are high. The city is opening the door to eight new digital-only lenders with powerful backers such as Alibaba Group Holding, the parent company of the South China Morning Post.
    The start-ups could capture as much as US$15 billion, or 30 per cent, of the city’s banking revenue, Goldman Sachs estimated in 2018.
    At HSBC, the share of retail transactions in Hong Kong conducted digitally hit 94 per cent in March. Active customers on its mobile app jumped almost 40 per cent from a year earlier, to 1.12 million.
    Citigroup’s digital wealth management transactions, including stock and foreign exchange, rose 37 per cent in the first two months of the year in Hong Kong. Overall in Asia, its digital brokerage and mutual fund transactions jumped more than 70 per cent in March from January.
    “We do anticipate that Covid will lead to an acceleration in customer adoption of digital channels, which will continue,” said Greg Hingston, HSBC head of wealth and personal banking for Asia-Pacific.
    During the crisis, Citigroup has added features to its mobile app such as a “Help” function and is working on enabling two-way messaging.
    “Our view is customers will continue to embrace digital once the pandemic is behind us after having experienced first-hand the added convenience and possibilities it offers,” said Gonzalo Luchetti, head of Asia-Pacific and EMEA consumer banking.
    Bank of China (Hong Kong), which has the biggest branch network in the city, has accelerated the roll-out of digital services, speeding up its plans by months, according to Arnold Chow, an executive in charge of the personal digital banking products unit for investment and insurance.

  • KDB in dilemma over distribution of virus relief fund

    The Korea Development Bank (KDB) is in a growing dilemma over how to “ensure fairness” when distributing its 40 trillion won ($32.56 billion) in coronavirus relief funds to sagging companies here.

    Starting as early as the end of May, the fund will be allocated to companies primarily in the aviation and shipbuilding sectors ― deemed as the biggest victims of the global pandemic.

    The Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance ― the two key authorities involved in fund management ― said they would widen the number of industries for more virus-hit firms to receive the financial aid for their survival.

    But the state-run lender and the two government authorities are faced with a conundrum over how to maintain fairness in terms of the capital supply.

    Chances are that Korean Air and Asiana Airlines will become the first beneficiaries receiving the financial support from the state-run lender. In April alone, the government announced its plan to offer liquidity worth 3 trillion won to the nation’s two-largest airlines suffering serious business setbacks.

    The government also decided to provide 300 billion won to low-cost carriers (LCC) whose financial status is even worse than the major airlines after global fear of the pandemic ended up in the suspension of their cash-cow international flights.

    But a controversy was sparked after KDB Vice President Choi Dae-hyun said the state-run lender “is not considering any plans to provide additional financial support for LCCs here.” Against the backdrop of this recent comment, chances appear very slim for the small airlines to become beneficiaries of the financial aid from the relief fund.

    This is also raising concern that the state-run lender is not being fair when it comes to offering the aid packages to companies with serious financial difficulties.

    For now, the government authorities are holding internal discussions over how to handle the issue of fairness in managing the fund, but for now, no specific and objective standard on distributing money has been fixed.

    “Even if we are a state-run lender, the KDB is a financial organization, so we have to judge the qualifications of companies before providing loans, even if their financial status worsen in the aftermath of the virus shock,” a spokesman for the bank said.

    “Regarding the LCC relief fund, we have executed 130 billion won out of the 300 billion won fund to five sagging airlines, and the rest will be provided for financing Jeju Airlines’ planned acquisition of Eastar Jet,” the official said. “But the remaining money is not being spent as overseas anti-trust authorities are delaying their review on the merger and acquisition.”

    Some critics argue that it is impossible for the government to salvage all the sagging airlines due to budget limitations.

    They said the government needs to “pick and choose” certain companies qualified for support under strict standards.

    “For instance, there are nine LCCs operating in Korea,” an industry source said. “Doubts can be raised over whether it is really important for the government to save all of them at a time when calls are growing for the need to cut the number of airlines here.”

    The number of LCCs in Korea surpasses that of Japan, even though the former has smaller population and land area.

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  • Begini upaya bank menangkis upaya pembobolan rekening nasabah lewat kode OTP

    Pandemi virus corona (Covid-19) yang memaksa pemerintah memberlakukan pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) dan sejumlah perusahaan menerapkan kebijakan work from home (WFH) bagi karyawan praktis bikin transaksi digital perbankan tumbuh pesat.

    Transaksi layanan mobile banking dan internet bank meningkat tajam. Mobile banking BRI misalnya naik 28% di bulan Maret dibanding bulan sebelumnya. Secara total transaksi mobile dan internet banking-nya meningkat 61 % jadi 32 juta kali di bulan tersebut dibanding Januari dengan volume lebih dari Rp 20 triliun.

    Bank Mandiri pun juga demikian. Rata-rata transaksi aplikasi mobile banking (Mandiri Online) meningkat menjadi 2 juta transaksi per hari di bulan Maret 2020. Padahal di periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya, rata-rata hariannya baru 1,2 juta transaksi. Nilai transaksinya di bulan Maret Rp 3 triliun, dibanding 1,8 triliun Maret tahun lalu.

    Namun, nasabah harus waspada. Kenaikan transaksi digital ini juga setali tiga uang dengan percobaan kejahatan cyber. Donsuwan Simatupang, Direktur Kelembagaan Bank Mandiri menyebut, percobaan pembobolan rekening nasabah lewat pengalihan kode one time password (OTP) naik pesat selama pandemi ini.

    Jadi, kehati-hatian mesti ditingkatkan lagi. Jangan pernah memberikan password atau kode OTP transaksi di rekening bank anda. “Termasuk kepada petugas bank, tidak boleh diberi tahu” ujar Donsuwan.

    Guna mencegah upaya-upaya jahat yang merugikan nasabah, bank saat semakin memperkuat sistem IT. Bank Mandiri telah memproteksi sistemnya. Dari sisi transaksi, seluruh retail channel bank mulai dari Mandiri Online, transaksi kartu kredit dan debit serta e-commerce telah memiliki tools monitoring yang dapat mendeteksi kejanggalan transaksi nasabah.

    Sistem itu, kata Rully Setiawan, Sekretaris Perusahaan Bank Mandiri, juga dapat melakukan menolak transaksi yang dianggap beresiko tinggi. Di samping itu, bank konsisten melakukan edukasi kepada nasabah. Guna memperkuat kehandalan sistem IT, Bank Mandiri sudah anggarkan dana sekitar Rp 2,3 triliun tahun ini.

    Menurut Indra Utoyo, Direktur Direktur TI & Operasi BRI, percobaan social engineering dengan tujuan memperoleh kode OTP sudah ada sejak lama, terutama sejak semakin banyaknya aplikasi mobile dan internet banking bermunculan dan semakin menjamurnya situs e-commerce.

    Maka kunci untuk mencegah pembobolan itu adalah pada kehati-hatian nasabah untuk tidak membagikan kode PIN atau OTP kepada siapapun. Jika semua nasabah teredukasi mengenai modus dan risikonya, percobaan ini tidak akan bisa tercapai tujuannya.

    Jadi, fokus BRI di tengah kenaikan transaksi digital adalah mengedukasi nasabah. Di samping itu, peningkatan reliabilitas dan keamanan IT juga dilakukan. Capex-nya sudah disusun berdasarkan proyeksi jangka panjang dan menyeluruh

    Sementara BTN berupaya memastikan aspek keamanan melalui security operationa center. Itu dipantau secara harian. Sama seperti BRI dan Bank Mandiri, bank ini juga fokus melakukan edukasi kepada nasabah.

    Andi Nirwanto, Direktur Operation, IT & Digital Banking BTN menyebut anggaran IT yang disiapkan perseroan tahun ini sebesar Rp 500 miliar.

  • 受新型冠状病毒疫情扩大的影响,资金持续从新兴市场国家流出。在此背景下,货币持续贬值的国家对加密资产(虚拟货币)比特币的需求不断高涨


    5月12日是被称为“减半期”的4年一度的节点,每当迎来此时作为挖矿报酬而获得的比特币数量将减为一半。阿根廷当地经济报纸《金融界报》(Ambito Financiero)11日报道称,这是“历史性的日子,有必要加以关注”。该报介绍称,比特币可小额购买,同时在该国,将比特币与美元并列视为资产的人正在增加。这反映出了目前比特币需求的增加。

    在处于债务违约紧要关头的阿根廷,购买外汇受到限制。在黑市的比索价格比年初下跌约4成的背景下,作为资产的避险渠道,比特币正受到欢迎。虽然难以确认准确的交易量,但比特币信息网站Coin Dance统计显示,在截至5月9日的一周时间里,不经过兑换平台的比特币交易额(按比索计算)增至上年同期的5.3倍,创出了历史新高。


    加密货币市场数据平台Coin Dance的数据显示,从目前比特币的交易额出现激增的地区来看,巴西和智利等中南美、埃及和南非等非洲国家较为突出。新冠疫情在发达国家逐渐度过高峰,另一方面,在疫情持续扩大的新兴市场国家,正在招致资金外流。显示新兴市场国家货币整体价格波动的MSCI新兴市场国家货币指数比年初下降6%,由于“减半期”或带来价格上升这一预期,资金涌向了比特币。


    当然,新兴市场国家的需求激增给比特币行情带来的影响目前仍然有限。据新加坡的虚拟货币分析网站Crystal Blockchain的数据,2019年巴西的比特币交易额合计为6亿3230万美元,仅为美国的28分之1左右。多数观点认为,新兴市场国家的绝对资本量较少,缺乏明显推动行情的实力。


  • BRI, Grab launch soft-loan program for drivers, merchants

    State-owned lender Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), in cooperation with ride-hailing service provider Grab, has launched a low-interest loan facility for the latter’s drivers and merchant partners who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Under the program, Grab’s drivers are eligible for a low-interest loan worth up to Rp 5 million (US$336) with a 24-month tenure. BRI is also giving leeway to the drivers by freeing them from payment obligations for the first three months.

    Besides drivers, merchants who operate through the GrabFood and GrabKios services, especially those with no access to bank loans, will be eligible for a microcredit program (KUR) worth up to Rp 50 million. The interest rate stands at 6 percent for a maximum 36-month tenure.

    “We welcome BRI’s support in providing soft loans. We hope that this program can ease the burden on our partners,” Grab Indonesia’s managing director Neneng Goenandi said in a press statement on Thursday.

    Drivers who open accounts in the bank will also get insurance for accidents to the amount of 250 percent of their current account or a maximum coverage of Rp 150 million.

    For the first phase of the program, a quota of 1,000 Grab driver partners in Greater Jakarta will be able to access the soft-loan facility.

    The partners, however, will still have to meet the minimum requirements for their average earnings and the length of partnership with Grab to access the loans.

    BRI launched a similar program with the Jakarta-based ride-hailing service provider Gojek earlier this week.

    The number of active Gojek and Grab users declined 17 percent throughout March as a result of the government’s large-scale social distancing restrictions (PSBB), according to a Statqo Analytics report, leading to a reduction in drivers’ income.

    Meanwhile, the country’s small and medium enterprises (MSME) saw a 30 to 35 percent sales decline in February and March, according to Indonesian MSME Association chairman Ikhsan Ingratubun.

    BRI consumer director Handayani said the company was committed to helping MSME and informal workers who were hit hard by the health crisis.

    “The low-interest loan program is part of our commitment to supporting the livelihoods of drivers and merchants,” she said.