分类: 注册金融分析师(CFA)资格认证考试

  • Standards of Practice Handbook NINTH EDITION

    Standards of Practice Handbook NINTH EDITION

    Preface . v
    CFA Institute Code of Ethics and
    Standards of Professional Conduct . 1
    Standard I: Professionalism
    A. Knowledge of the Law 7
    B. Independence and Objectivity . 15
    C. Misrepresentation . 25
    D. Misconduct 33
    Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets
    A. Material Nonpublic Information . 37
    B. Market Manipulation 49
    Standard III: Duties to Clients
    A. Loyalty, Prudence, and Care 53
    B. Fair Dealing. . 61
    C. Suitability. . 69
    D. Performance Presentation. 75
    E. Preservation of Confidentiality. 79
    Standard IV: Duties to Employers
    A. Loyalty. . 83
    B. Additional Compensation Arrangements 91
    C. Responsibilities of Supervisors . 93
    Standard V: Investment Analysis, Recommendations, and Actions
    A. Diligence and Reasonable Basis 99
    B. Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients . 105
    C. Record Retention 111
    Standard VI: Conflicts of Interest
    A. Disclosure of Conflicts 113
    B. Priority of Transactions. . 121
    C. Referral Fees 127
    Standard VII: Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate
    A. Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA Program. 131
    B. Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the
    CFA Program . 135
    CFA Institute Standards of Practice Exam. 143
    Index 159

    It is critical that research analysts adhere to strict standards of conduct that
    overn how the research is to be conducted and what disclosures must be made
    the report. Analysts must engage in thorough, independent, and unbiased
    nalysis and must fully disclose potential conflicts, including the nature of their
    ompensation. Otherwise, analysts risk misleading investors by becoming an
    xtension of an issuer’s public relations department while appearing to produce
    ndependent” analysis.
    Investors need clear, credible, and thorough information about companies
    nd research based on independent thought. At a minimum, research should
    clude a thorough analysis of the company’s financial statements based on
    ublicly disclosed information, benchmarking within a peer group, and industry
    nalysis. Analysts must exercise diligence, independence, and thoroughness in
    onducting their research in an objective manner. Analysts must distinguish
    etween fact and opinion in their reports. Conclusions must have a reasonable
    nd adequate basis, and must be supported by appropriate research.
    Analysts must also strictly limit the type of compensation that they accept for
    onducting research. Otherwise, the content and conclusions of the reports could
    asonably be expected to be determined or affected by compensation from the
    onsoring companies. This compensation can be as direct, such as payment based

  • CFA二级soft dollar & Ros参考word版本

    CFA二级soft dollar & Ros参考word版本

  • CFA Level 2 mock 21 questions and Answers~mock 26

    CFA Level 2 mock 21 questions and Answers~mock 26

  • 2009年CFA一级原版书题目汇总扫描文件下载


    PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book1 Ethical Professional standards and Quantitative Methods.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book1 Total.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book2 Economics.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book3 Financial Reporting And Analysis.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book4 Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book5 Equity and Fix Income.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book6 Derivatives and Alternative Investments.pdf等7个影印扫描文件

  • CFA注册金融分析师三级培训SS3、SS6、SS7习题.pdf下载


    John Nultione was recently hired as a portfolio manager with Equity Advisors (EA). As part of
    his responsibilities, Nultione prepares market forecasts for the firm’s chief investment officer,
    Walt Hyatt. The U.S. equity market declined by 20 percent last year. After constructing a model
    of factors affecting the market, Nultione becomes convinced that U.S. market returns will be
    13.47 percent for the first half of this year followed by an 11.21 percent return for the second
    half of this year.
    Nultione remembers similar conditions several years ago when his forecast was too pessimistic
    and he missed a significant buying opportunity. He does not want to miss another market low.
    Nultione proposes a large increase in EA’s portfolio allocation to U.S. equities, which will move
    his position from underweight to overweight. By contrast, Hyatt believes the recent downward
    trend in the market will continue, and any gains from restructuring EA’s portfolio allocation
    would not be worth the risk of relative underperformance.
    After preparing his forecast, Nultione reads reports by several respected analysts, including
    Harinder Singh. Nultione disagrees with Singh’s forecast of a continued decline in the market.
    Hyatt, however, attended a conference where Singh presented his market forecast. Hyatt found
    Singh’s analysis convincing and agreed with his forecast. Nultione points out that since the
    conference, several key variables in Singh’s analysis have changed. Despite this evidence, Hyatt
    remains convinced that Singh’s forecast is correct.
    Hyatt believes that Nultione’s proposed portfolio allocation could result in a significant
    underperformance of EA’s portfolio compared to its peers. Hyatt believes such
    underperformance could harm his own position at the firm. As a result, Hyatt asks Nultione to
    review the work of the top 20 equity analysts and reassess his forecast. Nultione presents his
    review of the 20 analysts to Hyatt, focusing on the views of three analysts who agree with
    Nultione’s optimistic market view.
    For each Nultione and Hyatt:
    i. Identify two psychological traps they have fallen into.
    ii. Justify your position by stating evidence from the information provided.
    Note: Four different psychological traps must be identified.
    Answer Question 3 in the Template provided on page 23.

    Greta Steiner, an analyst at Shopond Research, has been asked to develop an estimate of the
    aggregate operating profit margin for the companies in the S&P 500 Index. She is using the S&P
    500 as a representation of the overall U.S. economy. Steiner first reviews the U.S. economic
    data presented in Exhibit 1. She notes that U.S. firms cannot raise prices to fully compensate for
    inflation because of the current elasticity of demand.

  • CFA三级基础班讲义SS11-12 Equity Investments & SS13 Alternati

    CFA三级基础班讲义SS11-12 Equity Investments & SS13 Alternative Investments–pdf下载

    1. The role of the equity portfolio
    Equities are a substantial portion of the investment universe, and US
    equity typically constitutes about half of the world equities.
    In the US, institutional investors hold about 60 % of their portfolio in
    equities. In Europe, the percentage is closer to 20%.
    US and in other countries indicates that equities have been a good inflation
    There are some important qualifiers, however.
    First, because corporate income and capital gains tax rates are not
    indexed to inflation, inflation can reduce the stock investor’s return,
    unless this effect was priced into the stock when the investor bought it.
    Second, the ability of an individual stock to hedge inflation will depend
    on its industry and competitive position. The greater the competition,
    the less likely the firm will be able to pass inflation on to its consumers,
    and its stock will be a less effective hedge·
    Examined the historical record in 17 countries from 1900—2005, equities
    have had consistently positive real returns. Equities have also had higher
    real returns than bonds in all 17 countries.

    3. Passive equity investing
    Index vs. weighting
    There are 3 weighting choices:
    Price weighted;
    Value weighted; and
    Equal weighted.
    Price weighted
    Each stock in the index is weighted according to its absolute share
    The performance of index represents the performance of a portfolio
    that simply bought and held one share of each index component.
    It is biased towards the highest-priced share.

    3. Passive equity investing
    Value weighted
    Each stock is weighted according to its market cap;
    the performance of a portfolio that owns all the outstanding shares of
    each index component.
    Involves adjustment of market cap weights for each issue’s
    floating supply of shares – the shares outstanding that are
    actually available to investors;
    The performance of portfolio that busy and holds all the shares of
    index component available for trading;
    It’s the gold benchmark;
    It is biased towards the shares with the largest market capitalizations,
    large and mature companies or overvalued companies.
    A value weighted index may be:
    Concentrated on relatively few issues and;
    Less diversified

  • CFA三级基础班Asset Allocation–pdf下载

    CFA三级基础班Asset Allocation–pdf下载

    Framework of Reading 26 Asset
    1. 资产分配种类
    2. 资产分配的重要性
    3. 资产分配的分类
    4. 资产分配过程—确定投资目标
    5. 资产分配的具体方法–均值-方差法
    6. Selected extensions to MV Approach
    7. 资产分配的具体方法–重新抽样有效边界法
    8. 资产分配的具体方法– Black-Litterman法
    9. Strategic allocation
    10.Tactical asset allocation

    战略性资产分配(Strategic Asset Allocation)
    其次是战术性资产分配(Tactic Asset Allocation)
    其三则是证券选择(Security Selection)

    1. To provide discipline, that is, to maintain focus on objectives
    and constraints.
    2. Well established empirically.
    One study shows that 94 % of the variability of total portfolio
    returns is explained by the strategic asset allocation .
    Another study shows that more than 100% of the long-term
    performance of a portfolio is explained by its strategic asset
    allocation .
    These results suggest that the returns to market timing and
    security selection ( tactical allocation ) are minimal at best
    and at worst insufficient to cover the associated operating
    expenses and trading costs .

  • CFA三级基础班Execution of Portfolio Decisions:Monitoring an

    CFA三级基础班Execution of Portfolio Decisions:Monitoring and Rebalancing–pdf下载

    Framework of Reading 45
    1. The Context of Trading: Market Microstructure
    2. Quote-Driven (dealer) Market
    3. Order-Driven Market
    4. Brokered Markets
    5. Roles of Brokers and Dealers
    6. Market Quality
    7. Execution Cost
    8. WWAP VS. Implementation Shortfall
    9. Pre-trade Analysis: Econometric Models For Costs
    10. Types of Traders and Their Preferred Order Types
    11. Algorithmic Trading
    12. Serve The Clients’ Interests-Best Execution

    The Context of Trading: Market
    Market-not-held order
    Participate (do not initiate) order
    Best efforts order
    Undisclosed limit (reserve/hidden) order
    Market on open/close order

    Roles of Brokers and Dealers
    1. Represent the order
    2. Find the opposite side of a trade
    3. Supply market information
    4. Provide discretion and secrecy
    5. Provide other supporting investment services
    6. Support the market mechanism

    Market Quality
    Small bid ask spread
    Market Depth
    Many buyers and sellers
    Diversity of opinions, information and needs
    Market integrity
    Information availability to investors; pre-trade and post-trade
    Assurity of Completion
    The counterparty will uphold their side of the trade agreement