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  • 特许金融分析师(CFA)考试第一级中文学习精要上下册PDF下载



  • CFA经典教科书-International Investments国际投资学第5版下载

    CFA经典教科书-International Investments国际投资学(第5版)下载

  • 2009年CFA考试一级原版书题目汇总PDF文件下载


    包含7个PDF文件:PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book1 Ethical Professional standards and Quantitative Methods.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book1 Total.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book2 Economics.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book3 Financial Reporting And Analysis.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book4 Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book5 Equity and Fix Income.pdf、PRACTICE 09_CFA_level_1 Book6 Derivatives and Alternative Investments.pdf


  • CFA考试资料 – 2008 Schweser study notes Book 1.pdf~Book 3.p

    CFA考试资料 – 2008 Schweser study notes Book 1.pdf~2008 Schweser Book 3.pdf下载

    The topical coverage corresponds with the following CFA Institute assigned reading:
    13. Elasticity
    The candidate should be able to:
    a. calculate and interpret the elasticities of demand (price elasticity, cross elasticity, income
    elasticity) and the elasticity of supply, and discuss the factors that influence each measure. (page 9)
    b. calculate elasticities on a straight-line demand curve, differentiate among elastic, inelastic, and
    unit elastic demand and describe the relation between price elasticity of demand and total
    revenue. (page 15)
    The topical coverage corresponds with the following CFA Institute assigned reading:
    14. Efficiency and Equity
    The candidate should be able to:
    a. explain allocative efficiency, marginal benefit and marginal cOSt, and demonstrate why the
    efficient quanti ty occurs where marginal benefi t equals marginal cost. (page 20)
    b. distinguish between the price and the value of a product and explain the demand curve and
    consumer surplus. (page 21)
    c. distinguish between the COSt and the price of a product and explain the supply curve and producer
    surplus. (page 23) .
    d. discuss the relationship between consumer surplus, producer surplus, and equilibrium. (page 23),
    e. explain 1) how efficient markets ensure optimal resource utilization and 2) the obstacles to
    efficiency and the resulting underproduction or overproduction, including the concept of
    deadweight loss. (page 24)
    f. explain the two groups of ideas about the fairness principle (utilitarianism and the symmetry
    principle) and discuss the relation between fairness and efficiency. (page 27)

  • CFA考试资料 – 2008 Schweser study notes Book 4.pdf~Book 6.p

    CFA考试资料 – CPA考试资料 – 2008 Schweser study notes Book 4.pdf~Book 6.pdf下载

    The topicaL coverage corresponds with the foLLowing CFA Institute assigned reading:
    Capital Budgeting
    The candidate should be able to:
    a. explain the capital budgeting process, including the typical steps of the process, and distinguish among
    the various categories of capital projects. (page 9)
    b. discuss the basic principles of capital budgeting, including the choice of the proper cash flows and
    determining the proper discount rate. (page 11)
    c. explain how the following project interactions affect the evaluation of a capital project:
    (1) independent versus mutually exclusive projects, (2) project sequencing, and (3) unlimited funds
    versus capital rationing. (page 12)
    d. calculate and interpret the results using each of the (ollowing methods to evaluate a single capital
    project: net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, discounted payback
    period, average accounting rate of return (AAR) , and profitability index (PI). (page 12)
    e. explain the NPV profde, compare and contrast the NPV and IRR methods when evaluating
    independent and mutually exclusive projects, and describe the problems that can arise when using an
    IRR. (page 20)
    f. describe and account for the relative popularity of the various capital budgeting methods, and explain
    the relation between NPV and company value and stock price. (page 23)
    The topicaL coverage corresponds with the foLLowing CFA Institute assigned reading:
    Cost of Capital
    The candidate should be able to:
    a. calculate and interpret the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of a company. (page 33)
    b. describe how taxes affect the cost of capital from different capital sources. (page 33)
    c. describe alternative methods of calculating the weights used in the weighted average cost of capital,
    including the use of the company’s target capital structure. (page 35)
    d. explain how the marginal cost of capital and the investment opportunity schedule are used to
    determine the optimal capital budget. (page 36)
    e. explain the marginal COSt of capital’s role in determining the net present value of a project. (page 37)
    f. calculate and interpret the cost of fixed rate debt capital using the yield-co-maturity approach and the
    debt-rating approach. (page 38)
    g. calculate and interpret the cost of noncallable, nonconvertible preferted stock. (page 38)

  • 金融分析师(CFA)资格认证一级考试教材下载




  • 特许金融分析师(CFA)全部考试大纲



    The readings in this study session present a framework for ethical conduct in
    the investment profession by focusing on the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and
    Standards of Professional Conduct as well as the Global Investment Performance
    Standards (GIPS®).
    The principles and guidance presented in the CFA Institute Standards of
    Practice Handbook (SOPH) form the basis for the CFA Institute self-regulatory
    program to maintain the highest professional standards among investment
    practitioners. “Guidance” in the SOPH addresses the practical application of the
    Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. The guidance reviews the
    purpose and scope of each standard, presents recommended procedures for
    compliance, and provides examples of the standard in practice.
    The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) facilitate efficient
    comparison of investment performance across investment managers and country
    borders by prescribing methodology and standards that are consistent with a clear
    and honest presentation of returns. Having a global standard for reporting
    investment performance minimizes the potential for ambiguous or misleading
    Reading 1 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
    Standards of Practice Handbook, Ninth Edition
    Reading 2 “Guidance” for Standards I-VII
    Standards of Practice Handbook, Ninth Edition

    Reading 1: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
    The candidate should be able to:
    a. describe the structure of the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program and the
    process for the enforcement of the Code and Standards;
    b. state the six components of the Code of Ethics and the seven Standards of
    Professional Conduct;
    c. explain the ethical responsibilities required by the Code and Standards, including
    the multiple sub-sections of each Standard.
    Reading 2: “Guidance” for Standards I-VII
    The candidate should be able to:
    a. demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of
    Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to situations involving
    issues of professional integrity;
    b. distinguish between conduct that conforms to the Code and Standards and
    conduct that violates the Code and Standards;
    c. recommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violations of the Code
    of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
    Reading 3: Introduction to the Global Investment Performance

  • 特许金融分析师(CFA)常用辞典


    包含CFA词典.pdf CFA官方道德职业规范和行为准则(中文版).pdf CFA字典.pdf 财务术语的中英对照.doc 简明经济学辞典.pdf


    A share A股;甲类股份
    abatement of tax 减税;减扣免税额
    ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 荷兰银行
    above-the-line expenditure 线上项目支出; 经常预算
    above-the-line receipt 线上项目收入; 经常预算收入
    ABSA Asia Limited 南非联合亚洲有限公司
    absolute change 绝对数值变更
    absolute expenditure 实际开支
    absolute guideline figure 绝对准则数字
    absolute interest 绝对权益
    absolute order of discharge 绝对破产解除令
    absolute profit margin 绝对利润幅度
    absolute value 实值;绝对值
    absolutely vested interest 绝对既得权益
    absorbed cost 已吸收成本;已分摊成本
    absorption 吸收;分摊;合并
    absorption rate 吸收率;摊配率;分摊率
    ACB Finance Limited 亚洲商业财务有限公司
    acceptable form of reciprocity 合理的互惠条件
    acceptable rate 适当利率;适当汇率
    acceptance agreement 承兑协议
    acceptance for honour 参加承兑
    acceptor 承兑人;接受人;受票人
    acceptor for honour 参加承兑人
    accident insurance 意外保险
    Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong 香港

  • 2008特许金融分析师(CFA)一级、二级、三级考试大纲


    Study Session 2
    Using examples and case studies, the readings in this study session show the
    use of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional
    Conduct as a body of principles for ethical reasoning and decision making. The
    readings serve as effective aids in understanding and internalizing the values and
    standards presented in the CFA Institute Standards of Practice Handbook. By
    applying the Code and Standards to case study conflicts, the candidate will gain
    experience identifying and explaining fundamental principles of conduct, which
    then become tools for dealing with real world challenges.
    The Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct uses the basic tenets of the
    CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct to establish
    ethical and professional standards for firms managing client assets. The Asset
    Manager Code of Professional Conduct also extends the Code and Standards to
    address investment management firm practices regarding trading, compliance,
    security pricing, and disclosure.
    Reading 3: Ethics in Practice
    The candidate should be able to:
    a. summarize the ethical responsibilities required by each of the six provisions of the
    Code of Ethics and the seven categories of the Standards of Professional Conduct;
    b. interpret the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct in situations
    involving issues of professional integrity and formulate corrective actions where

  • 2007年特许金融分析师(CFA)一级培训习题-6组MOCK EXAM

    2007年特许金融分析师(CFA)一级培训习题-6组MOCK EXAM


    Correct answer: D
    demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations presenting multiple issues of questionable conduct.
    Selective disclosure occurs when companies discriminate in making material nonpublic information public. Selective disclosure raises insider trading concerns.

    Correct answer: B
    demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations presenting multiple issues of questionable conduct.
    There is nothing to suggest that Wong does not have a reasonable basis for his conclusion related to Nolvec. However, by delaying the revision of his recommendation so that his brother can buy shares at a lower price, he has violated the CFA Institute Standards relating to duty to client, duty to employer, and priority of transactions.

    Correct answer: A
    demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations presenting multiple issues of questionable conduct.
    Trading on the information is restricted as it relates to a tender offer; it is clearly material, nonpublic information. Tender offer (中文意思是“要约收购”)is the bid for buying the stock, which is the material information.

    Correct answer: D
    demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations presenting multiple issues of questionable conduct.
    Members should disclose all matters that reasonably could be expected to impair the member’s objectivity.

    Correct answer: B