作者: bankr

  • 2020年度色彩:抚平焦虑的经典蓝


    经典蓝是蓝莓、百事可乐易拉罐和天空“在一天结束时的美丽颜色”,潘通色彩研究所(Pantone color Institute)的执行董事莱亚特丽斯·艾斯曼(Leatrice Eiseman)说,该机构研究并为企业提供有关人类对颜色反应的建议。在选择经典蓝时,该机构表示他们先研究了世界上正在发生的事情。
    “我们生活的这个时代,世界各地的情况似乎有一点……我不想用‘动荡’来形容,但还是可以说有一点不稳定,”潘通色彩研究所副所长劳里·普莱斯曼(Laurie Pressman)说。“从这一刻到下一刻,没什么事情是绝对确定的。”

    这是潘通第一次在通告中附带多感官彩蛋。他们还准备发布以经典蓝为灵感的音乐——一首名叫《生动怀旧》(Vivid Nostalgia)的电子流行歌曲——同时还有一款浆果茶和柔软面料。(这首歌是免费的;浆果茶可供购买;使用该面料制作的定制家具可以预订。)一些网红和记者也收到了蜡烛和果酱。

    利兹大学(University of Leeds)历史学教授、《色彩革命》(The Color Revolution)一书的作者雷吉娜·李·布拉什奇克(Regina Lee Blaszczyk)表示,外界的关注帮助潘通成为色彩预测领域——这一职业可追溯到20世纪初——最具影响力的机构之一。
    奢侈品电子商务平台Moda Operandi分析并定期发布消费者行为数据。(这些数据基于其内部展卖会的购买情况,或是直接在T台上销售的设计师系列产品。)
    潘通预测2018年的流行色为紫外光色。从2017年到2018年,Moda Operandi称他们的紫色商品订单增长了28%。去年,潘通选择了珊瑚橙作为流行色。而从2018年到2019年,Moda Operandi的粉色商品销售量增长了62%。
    话虽如此,布拉什奇克还是注意到,在她的慧俪轻体(Weight Watchers)Facebook群组里,有人会根据潘通选出的颜色组织各种挑战和活动。例如,“让我们这周都穿潘通粉吧!”她说。

  • “月经”不再是日本女性的悄悄话



    在DoCoMo Healthcare提供的讲座上学习月经和更年期等知识(东京都大田区)




    提供讲座的是DoCoMo Healthcare公司。该公司从2016年11月开始与妇产科医生等合作,向20家企业提供讲座服务。“希望增加女性录用的企业对我们的服务很感兴趣,咨询量急剧增加”,江刺幸子说。在参加讲座的人中,男性占2~3成,“不知道该如何对待(女性)下属的管理人员较多”。













    漫画《生理酱》获得“手塚治虫文化奖 短片奖”


  • 任天堂Switch开拓中国市场有三道难关

    12月4日,任天堂和中国腾讯控股发布消息称,将于12月10日在中国发售任天堂的家用游戏机“Nintendo Switch”。售价为2099元。任天堂在自主进驻中国方面,过去2次遭遇失败。今后将携手作为中国正规销售代理商签署协议的腾讯,发起第三次挑战。但仍面临3道难关。

    腾讯在中国游戏展“中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(ChinaJoy)”上设置了“Nintendo Switch”试玩区(8月,上海市)













  • 日本鸡蛋出口猛增 可生吃成卖点














  • OPEC准备加大减产力度 俄罗斯尚未同意










    阿曼石油部长Mohammed al-Rumhi周三表示,阿曼代表团将建议将减产延长至2020年底。



    沙特需要更高的油价来支撑该国预算收入,且国有石油公司沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)的首次公开发行(IPO)定价预计将于周四公布。



    “如果OPEC不能就进一步减产达成一致,那么前景将十分黯淡。”Rystad Energy称,并指出,若不进一步减产,市场将在2020年上半年面临每日80万桶的供过于求。



    俄罗斯能源部长诺瓦克(Alexander Novak)周二表示,莫斯科尚未敲定其立场:“让我们拭目以待……但我认为,这次会议和以往一样,将是具建设性的。”



  • ‘Once you pop, you can’t stop’: Fed QE is like Pringles, Ross Ashcroft tells RT’s Keiser Report

    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been bailing out the repo market with multi-billion dollar programs every week, says the Keiser Report, which asks if it’s the fourth round of quantitative easing (QE).
    Max Keiser talks to award winning filmmaker, broadcaster, and strategist Ross Ashcroft, who says it’s not QE but more like QE infinity. “It’s like Pringles, once you pop, you can’t stop,” says Ashcroft.

    According to Ashcroft, who is the host of the weekly program Renegade, it is the classic liquidity trap. He says the money is stagnating while really bad ideas are being funded.
    “This is classic, the misallocation of capital, not only in the QE’s but right back to the crisis” when instead of letting banks go bust we have propped them up.“From that moment till now we were continually misallocating capital week in, week out. And the repo market is just the canary in the mine, and of course they can’t call it QE4 because the markets would trauma.”

    He says the systemic fraud is simply staggering. The asset stripping, political favors, and so on, that’s what is now considered to be ‘business as usual’ and “obviously it’s not going to end well.”

  • Did you lose this? NASA spots wreckage from India’s Vikram lunar lander

    A NASA satellite plucked a needle from a haystack, spotting debris from India’s ill-fated Vikram lunar lander, which crashed on the Moon’s surface in September after an unsuccessful touch-down attempt.
    NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) snapped images of the crash site and its associated debris field, which were published on Monday. Though hard to make out, the new photos show the craft’s impact crater and wreckage scattered across several kilometers of the lunar surface.
    While NASA’s high tech orbital probe deserves some credit for finding the lander, it was Indian computer programmer Shanmuga Subramanian who actually pointed out the crash site after the agency invited the public to join the search, publishing a mosaic image in late September for anyone to pore over.
    An animation released by NASA also shows a before and after comparison of the crash site, in which a faint streak of debris can be seen near the bottom third of the more recent photo.

    Vikram was launched last July as part of India’s Chandrayaan-2 Moon mission, with which New Delhi hoped to become the fourth nation after the US, Russia, and China to make a successful Moon landing. It would have been the first touch-down on the natural satellite’s south pole. The mission’s primary craft remains in orbit around the Moon, but it lost contact with the Vikram soon after it departed for its failed landing attempt.

  • ‘Dangerous’: UK’s six richest people have as much wealth as poorest 13m, study shows, prompting outrage online

    New research showing that the six richest people in the UK control as much wealth as the poorest 13 million has prompted anger online, with the authors of the study branding the massive gap in fortunes as “dangerous.”
    The study, conducted by the Equality Trust, reveals that the nation’s six billionaires who sit at the top of the wealth league have hoarded a combined fortune of £39.4 billion which is equal to the assets of around 13.2 million people in the UK.
    Dr Wanda Wyporska, the executive director of the Equality Trust claimed the report should “shock anyone who cares about the state of the UK,” and that such a huge gap between the very rich and the rest of the country is “dangerous.”

    The UK’s extreme inequality is the story of Ferraris and food banks.

    Some of those super rich include Indian brothers Gopichand and Srichand Hinduja who own a multitude of businesses including car firms and banks, and top the table with an estimated net worth of £12.8bn. Second on the list is Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the chairman and chief executive of the chemicals company Ineos, who has amassed £9.2bn.

    At the other end of the scale, the Equality Trust estimate that some 4m people in the UK live in poverty. Four million of these are said to be over 50 percent below the poverty line.

    The study has provoked impassioned responses on social media with many condemning the vast wealth inequality gap between a small collection of well-off families and the large number of the poorest in UK society.

    One person tweeted that “It’s disgusting… Enterprise and wealth shouldn’t leave such a wretched underclass. It shames us all.” While another suggested that individuals that hoard such “absurd wealth while millions struggle, starve and die in poverty,” should be treated as criminals.

  • The wolf that ate Wall Street: US economy roars amid rising income inequality

    As the US stock market continues to set records, and the economy creates millions of new jobs, many Americans are forced to settle for low-paying work and meager benefits. How long can the inequality continue?
    The sound of popping champagne bottles will soon echo across Manhattan this holiday season as corporate America is in decidedly high spirits. And for seemingly good reason. Wall Street has witnessed one of its most robust earning seasons on record, the employment picture is at its lowest rate in 50 years, while many corporations are swimming in cash. But, as so often happens in the shady world of business and markets, all is not as it would appear.

    Just below the shiny surface of Wall Street’s epic success story, however, an epic tragedy is unfolding as millions of workers are silently struggling paycheck to paycheck, doing what they can to make ends meet while raising a family. The numbers are sobering.

    According to data released by the Brookings Institute, 53 million Americans between the ages of 18 to 64 fall under the category of “low wage.” Their hourly pay comes out to around $10.22, while median annual earnings are $18,000. Most startling thing, however, is that this group of wage-earners accounts for a whopping 44 percent of the entire US workforce.
    In other words, it may be a bit too early to start popping the champagne corks just yet. And it gets worse. Many of these low wage workers are not the stereotypical teenagers flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s for some extra spending cash on the weekends. In fact, the majority of people who fall into this category are adults in their “prime working years,” and low paying work is the “primary way they support themselves and their families,” the report revealed.

    This was true for the majority of regions across the United States, as the study analyzed data from nearly 400 metropolitan areas. Other research supports the finding of the Brookings study.

    According to a new economic metric called the Job Quality Index, 63 percent of all jobs that were created since 1990 were low-salary jobs, many of them part-time. Today, the real US average wage, that is, the wage after calculating for inflation, has approximately the same purchasing power it did 40 years ago. And what gains were made inside of companies mostly went to the highest-paid executives.

    There are many reasons for this intense inequality, not least of all the collapse of labor unions, which once upon a time gave employees a real democratic voice inside of the workplace. Also to blame is the decades-long exodus of US corporations to foreign shores in their eternal quest for cheap labor and high profits.

    Briefly, it was this concern over the hemorrhaging of well-paid manufacturing jobs, many of them to China and Mexico, which largely propelled Donald Trump into the White House in 2016. The US leader has pledged to reverse course on globalization and bring back those high wages of yesteryear. Trump’s particular brand of populism, however, combines a volatile mixture of semi-isolationism and firebrand nationalism that aims to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Judging by the way the current trade war with China is developing, the mogul of Manhattan may only succeed at sinking the US economy, while dragging down the rest of the global economy with it.
    With regards to dwindling US paychecks for increasingly unattractive jobs, the danger here – aside from the very real risk of future social upheaval – is that if the number of ‘have-nots’ reaches a certain threshold of the population, then the overall health of the economy will begin to suffer accordingly. After all, workers are not just workers. They are also consumers, an integral part of any modern economy, and if their jobs start paying less they will naturally consume less, thereby appearing as a storm front on the overall economic climate.

    At the same time, it is important to note that it is not only the health of the economy that is at risk. Judging by recent data, a surplus of low-wage jobs appears to be having a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of the average American.

    According to a report released this month by the National Center for Health Statistics, life expectancy in the United States fell between 2016 and 2017, fueled by drug overdoses and suicides, continuing a downward trend for the last three years. Today, Americans can expect to live 78.6 years, a decline of three-tenths of a year since 2014.

    “We’re living in a developed country with a fairly sophisticated health care system and lots of resources… and now all of the sudden it seems to (have) reversed,” Robert Anderson, chief of the Mortality Statistics Branch at the National Center for Health Statistics, told US News and World Report.
    It would be very difficult to argue that there is no connection between the ongoing mental and physical health of people and the amount of money they are earning to support themselves and their families. That expensive burden seems at least partially to blame for the precipitation of drug abuse, domestic violence, and even suicide in the US.

    How to reverse the trend of decreasing low-wage labor in the United States is another question. Although Trump seems right in wanting to reinvigorate America’s manufacturing base, that is a massive project that will not occur overnight, if at all. In the meantime, one possible answer is an increase in the minimum wage, or higher taxes on US corporations in order to provide more assistance to those Americans now falling through the cracks of one of the most cutthroat capitalist societies ever created.

    If the majority of Americans continue to be treated as economic outcasts in their own country, it is difficult to see how the Wall Street traders and investors will continue to celebrate every holiday with heavy bonuses amid flowing champagne. There is a wolf on Wall Street, and it is called inequality. Wall Street needs to slay it if it wants the good times to continue.

  • ‘We’ve come full circle’: Twitter balks at $60 AirPod carrying straps that defeat original purpose of in-ears

    The Apple AirPods’ unique selling point is their wireless design, affording users unparalleled freedom. However, anxiety over losing the tiny in-ears prompted e-tailers Nordstrom and Amazon to sell ‘carrying straps’… facepalm.

    Ahead of the Christmas gift-buying extravaganza, Nordstrom and Amazon have begun selling $60 Carrying Straps for the $150 AirPods, thus undoing all of the “revolutionary” research and development by Apple in one fell, low-tech swoop. 

    “Avoid losing your wireless AirPods by attaching them to this magnetic-locking leather strap and wearing around the neck when not in use,” the product description reads. Needless to say, the late capitalism-weary online commentariat wasted no time in deriding this egregious display of opulence, pointing out that traditional, wired Apple headphones cost a fraction of the price, both in cash and anxiety.