作者: bankr

  • 浙江省地方金融条例,8月1日起,民间借贷金额达300万需备案

















    第四十四条 违反本条例第九条第二款、第十八条第二款规定,民间融资服务企业、民间借贷的借款人不履行备案义务,或者提供虚假备案材料的,由设区的市地方金融工作部门责令限期改正,按照下列规定予以处罚:






  • Bankruptcy case casts doubt on US$96 billion of offshore Chinese bonds claims, puts pressure on financial products skirting capital controls

    The business arm of China’s most prestigious university met its creditors on April 30, and the outcome has shaken investors’ faith in widely used contracts for Chinese offshore bonds.
    The bankrupt Peking University Founder Group used a short cut known as a keepwell deed to borrow US dollars from foreign investors. Now, its state-appointed restructuring administrator has thrown doubt on the enforceability of these contracts by classifying them as pending recognition.
    This decision impacts bondholders of about 16 per cent, or US$96 billion, of outstanding offshore bonds issued by Chinese companies, according to Redd, a market data provider. More than US$12 billion of debt rated by credit rating agency Moody’s uses keepwell deeds.
    “This is the first time keepwell deeds have been tested in court. The administrator could set an important precedent,” said Renee Lam, a credit officer researching companies across the Asia-Pacific region at ratings agency Fitch.
    From British bank HSBC suspending dividend payments to rising defaults on payments due to bondholders, borrowers and governments are riding roughshod over investors’ rights as they grapple with the fallout from the novel coronavirus pandemic.
    With more companies coming under stress as the global economy tumbles into its worst downturn since the 1930s’ Great Depression, legal fights and restructurings will test other grey areas of investments that have mushroomed during the world’s longest bull market since the 2007-08 global financial crisis.
    “When the market is good, investors don’t worry. But when the market is stressed, they take another look at these structures,” said Soo Cheon Lee, chief investment officer at credit-focused banking and asset management group SC Lowy.

  • Chinese oil firm MIE defaults on US$248 million bond after value of its assets fall sharply

    • Company controlled by tycoon Zhang Ruilin fails to make US$17 million interest payment, with knock-on effects on other loans and bonds
    • Value of company’s assets fell by 65 per cent last year, before the sharp drop in oil prices this spring


    a listed oil and gas firm that announced last week that it would default on a US$248 million bond.
    MIE Holdings, controlled by tycoon Zhang Ruilin, failed to make a US$17 million interest payment on its bonds which was initially due on April 12, it said in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange. It was still unable to make the payment when the 30-day grace period expired on May 11, resulting in the default.
    The bond default triggered cross-defaults on other financial contracts and potentially breaches the terms of additional loans and bonds totalling more than US$287.3 million, MIE said.
    Zhang, who is MIE’s chairman, blamed the bond default on a lack of liquidity caused by the collapse of oil prices in the past two months, according to the exchange filing.
    For example, Daqing crude oil prices fell from a high of US$69.06 a barrel in January to a low of US$12.33 in late April, a drop of more than 80 per cent.
    “The company is experiencing increasing liquidity pressure due to the significant decline in revenue and cash flow caused by recent plunge in crude oil prices,” Zhang said.
    The value of MIE’s assets fell 65 per cent to 2.93 billion yuan last year, with the company suffering an operating loss of 631 million yuan, according to its unaudited annual results.
    The company’s cash and cash equivalents at the end of 2019 stood at 13.71 million yuan, a decrease of nearly 50 per cent from 2018 and not enough to cover the US$17 million bond interest payment.
    On May 6, just days before the default, Fitch Ratings revoked MIE’s “C” long-term issuer credit rating.
    Trading in MIE stock in Hong Kong has been suspended. Its last trading price was HK$0.065 on March 31, down from HK$0.255 in April 2019, making it a “penny stock”. It traded at a peak of HK$4.13 in April 2011.

  • 中行原油宝事件后,交通银行公布了新版《投资者风险提示调整后等级名称和表述情况表》







  • 中行“原油宝”事件反思








  • 中行原油宝事件有关部门负责人表示,自启动与客户和解工作以来,截至目前,已与超过80%的客户完成了和解签约














  • KDB in dilemma over distribution of virus relief fund

    The Korea Development Bank (KDB) is in a growing dilemma over how to “ensure fairness” when distributing its 40 trillion won ($32.56 billion) in coronavirus relief funds to sagging companies here.

    Starting as early as the end of May, the fund will be allocated to companies primarily in the aviation and shipbuilding sectors ― deemed as the biggest victims of the global pandemic.

    The Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance ― the two key authorities involved in fund management ― said they would widen the number of industries for more virus-hit firms to receive the financial aid for their survival.

    But the state-run lender and the two government authorities are faced with a conundrum over how to maintain fairness in terms of the capital supply.

    Chances are that Korean Air and Asiana Airlines will become the first beneficiaries receiving the financial support from the state-run lender. In April alone, the government announced its plan to offer liquidity worth 3 trillion won to the nation’s two-largest airlines suffering serious business setbacks.

    The government also decided to provide 300 billion won to low-cost carriers (LCC) whose financial status is even worse than the major airlines after global fear of the pandemic ended up in the suspension of their cash-cow international flights.

    But a controversy was sparked after KDB Vice President Choi Dae-hyun said the state-run lender “is not considering any plans to provide additional financial support for LCCs here.” Against the backdrop of this recent comment, chances appear very slim for the small airlines to become beneficiaries of the financial aid from the relief fund.

    This is also raising concern that the state-run lender is not being fair when it comes to offering the aid packages to companies with serious financial difficulties.

    For now, the government authorities are holding internal discussions over how to handle the issue of fairness in managing the fund, but for now, no specific and objective standard on distributing money has been fixed.

    “Even if we are a state-run lender, the KDB is a financial organization, so we have to judge the qualifications of companies before providing loans, even if their financial status worsen in the aftermath of the virus shock,” a spokesman for the bank said.

    “Regarding the LCC relief fund, we have executed 130 billion won out of the 300 billion won fund to five sagging airlines, and the rest will be provided for financing Jeju Airlines’ planned acquisition of Eastar Jet,” the official said. “But the remaining money is not being spent as overseas anti-trust authorities are delaying their review on the merger and acquisition.”

    Some critics argue that it is impossible for the government to salvage all the sagging airlines due to budget limitations.

    They said the government needs to “pick and choose” certain companies qualified for support under strict standards.

    “For instance, there are nine LCCs operating in Korea,” an industry source said. “Doubts can be raised over whether it is really important for the government to save all of them at a time when calls are growing for the need to cut the number of airlines here.”

    The number of LCCs in Korea surpasses that of Japan, even though the former has smaller population and land area.

  • 大手金融グループ3社 貸し倒れに備える費用 計1兆円超に








  • 大手銀行 経費・人員削減へ事務作業デジタル化







  • The central bank said the financial system “amplified” the shock in March, and warned that vulnerabilities remain heightened.The Federal Reserve said the financial system remained vulnerable as households and businesses were strained

    The coronavirus outbreak upended markets in March, and the Federal Reserve said on Friday that the financial system had exacerbated that turmoil and warned that highly indebted businesses remained a vulnerability that could hurt the broader economy.

    The financial system “amplified the shock” as short-term funding markets in particular seized up in March, the Fed said. Some hedge funds were “severely affected” and “reportedly” contributed to market dislocations, according to the central bank’s financial stability report.

    The Fed used the annual report to sound a warning bell on persistent weaknesses that have the potential to worsen the fallout in markets — which could then spill back into the rest of the economy — as coronavirus lockdowns slow growth, spurring job losses and causing consumers to pull back spending.

    Businesses went into the crisis highly indebted, the Fed pointed out. As they miss out on sales and income, they may default on their debts. That could have knock-on effects: Credit losses could pair with low interest rates to hurt profitability at banks, which entered the crisis well capitalized and are, at least for now, holding up and lending steadily.

    “We will be monitoring closely for solvency stresses among highly leveraged business borrowers, which could increase the longer the Covid pandemic persists,” Lael Brainard, a Fed governor, said in a statement accompanying the release. She noted that the Fed’s early interventions “have been effective in resolving liquidity stresses.”

    The Fed’s report is the most detailed glimpse yet at how the central bank understands the financial gyrations that took hold as coronavirus cases began surfacing in America.

    Among the areas the Fed flagged:

    Even the market for Treasury securities — the deepest and most liquid in the world — ceased to function normally as investors became attuned to the economic risk and cashed out their holdings.

    • “While the financial regulatory reforms adopted since 2008 have substantially increased the resilience of the financial sector, the financial system nonetheless amplified the shock, and financial sector vulnerabilities are likely to be significant in the near term,” the report said.
    • In March, “funding markets proved less fragile than during the 2007-09 financial crisis. Nonetheless, significant strains emerged, and emergency Federal Reserve actions were required to stabilize short-term funding markets.”
    • In the Treasury market — where the Fed has bought securities at a rapid pace since mid-March to restore functioning — the difference between selling prices and buyer asking prices has declined to more normal levels, but “some measures, such as market depth, have shown only modest signs of improvement.”

    As investors pulled cash from money market mutual funds and the market for short-term business debt looked shaky — echoing what happened in the 2007-9 downturn — a more surprising weakness surfaced in the market for Treasury bonds, especially older ones. Speculation has been rampant that hedge funds contributed to the turmoil, and the Fed acknowledged that in its report.

    • Some hedge funds buy and sell securities frequently to make small amounts of money that add up over a large number of trades. They are forced to sell their holdings if markets become hard to trade in, which “can lead to a rapid unraveling of market liquidity under certain circumstances,” the report said.
    • “The concentration of hedge fund leverage has increased markedly,” it said, and funds “may have to sell large amounts of assets to meet margin calls or reduce portfolio risk during periods of market stress.”
    • “Such deleveraging may have contributed to the poor liquidity conditions in financial markets in March,” the Fed said, referring to the process by which households and businesses get rid of debt by selling assets.

    The Fed jumped in to ease the strains, rolling out a series of emergency lending facilities aimed at money markets, a type of short-term business debt called commercial paper, and, more recently, corporate and municipal bonds.

    • “Effectively, the ability of creditworthy households, businesses, and state and local governments to borrow, even at elevated rates, was threatened,” the Fed said, so together with the Treasury it “took a series of steps to support the flow of credit to households, businesses, and communities.”

    Corporations went into the current crisis with huge debt loads, a vulnerability that threatens to percolate throughout the financial system as the downturn drags on.

    • “Economic activity is contracting sharply, and the associated reduction in earnings and increase in credit needed to bridge the downturn will expand the debt burden and default risk of a highly leveraged business sector,” the report said.
    • “Widespread downgrades of bonds to speculative-grade ratings could lead investors to accelerate the sale of downgraded bonds, possibly generating market dislocation and downward price pressures in a segment of the corporate bond market known to exhibit relatively low liquidity,” it warned.
    • “Defaults on leveraged loans ticked up in February and March and are likely to continue to increase,” it said of loans to already-indebted companies.
    • In a survey of market contacts included in the report, a “corporate debt/credit cycle turn” was the third-most-cited potential shock for the next 12 to 18 months — behind the coronavirus and the global policy response, and ahead of the U.S. election.

    The Fed noted that stock prices had “swung widely,” and said other assets — most notably commercial real estate — could be in for lower prices if the coronavirus lasted.

    • “Asset prices remain vulnerable to significant declines should the pandemic worsen, the economic fallout prove more adverse or financial system strains re-emerge,” the Fed warned. It said declines could be “especially pronounced” in markets like commercial real estate, where prices were high relative to fundamentals even before the pandemic.
    • “The severe disruptions in economic activity following the outbreak could reduce house prices by bringing down household incomes and restricting access to mortgage credit,” the report said, though a decline in supply could limit that effect.