作者: bankr

  • Pensionados hacen cola de 3 días ante los bancos para cobrar

    La cuarentena por el coronavirus castiga fuertemente a los adultos mayores para cobrar la pensión: deben hacer colas hasta de 72 horas a las puertas de las agencias bancarias.

    “El sistema de flexibilización 7×7 ha empeorado las condiciones de los pensionados que, además de la larga espera frente a los bancos, solo les dan en la taquilla de 50.000 a 150.000 bolivares”, denunció Luis Cano, coordinador del Frente Amplio de Defensa de los Jubilados, Pensionados y Sobrevivientes, (Ufajub). 

    El dirigente destacó que muchos adultos mayores no tienen tarjeta electrónica y se ven obligados a cobrar  la pensión en la taquilla del banco.

    Informó que preparan para el próximo miércoles una protesta de calle -cumpliendo el protocolo sanitario- en Caracas para exigir la cancelación completa, de una vez, de la pensión (400.000 bolívares menduales) y del recién instaurado bono de guerra de 500.000 bolívares para los registrados en la página patria.

    El representante de Ufajub explicó que desde hace años los bancos no tienen la suficiente provisión de plástico, por lo que la entrega de las tarjetas de débito a los ancianos no es la prioridad.

    Marcos Álvarez,  directivo del Sindicato de Trabajadores Bancarios (Asitrabanca), refirió que debido al COVID-19 la atención al cliente y por taquilla en las agencias bancarias ha colapsado mucho más, ya que no todas las oficinas  están abiertas durante la semana de flexibilización de la cuarentena. 

    Álvarez señaló que la insuficiencia para atender al público ya tiene varios años, debido al cierre de muchas oficinas y cajeros electrónicos. “El número de agencias disponibles en el pais se redujo de más de 2.000 a 180 en la actualidad. Los cajeros disminuyeron de más de 6.000 a 1.200 por falta de repuestos y obsolescencia tecnológica”.

    El sindicalista apoya que se les pague a los pensionados la totalidad de la pensión y el bono y de una vez. 
    “Los inconvenientes de los pensionados lo viven todos los venezolanos que necesitan sacar dinero para algo tan esencial como el pasaje. Los usuarios también padecen la suspension del servicio en los bancos por la caída de la línea electrónica y los apagones”, dijo.

    Aseguró que la entrega de las remesas de efectivo es mayor para los bancos del Estado que para los privados. Esto explica que agencias públicas den 100.000 o 150.000 bolívares en taquilla y los privados 50.000.

  • 密码保护:中国楼市泡沫难题


  • 中国面临史诗级楼市泡沫难题:规模达52万亿美元


  • 中国商业银行网贷管理办法正式落地,强调防止风险管理“空心化”





  • 与中国建设银行合作 Invest KL推介“全球撮合家”


    (吉隆坡15日讯)投资吉隆坡机构(Invest KL)与中国建设银行推介的商业对商业(B2B)智能撮合共享平台“全球撮合家”,将可协助用户寻找和匹配产品供应商或购买者。


    借中国网络 推东盟业务


    “我们很荣幸成为第一个受邀的政府机构。这项合作机会将令机构与更多中国公司进行合作,特别是从事数字和工业4.0 计划的公司。”





  • 发达国家的储蓄率在疫情下走高






























  • China raises alarm on property bubble as ‘high-risk shadow banking’ returns amid virus lending push

    • To reboot the economy, China’s central bank has increased the amount of money available to banks to lend, a portion of which has been funnelled into real estate
    • Regulators are increasingly concerned about rising debt among businesses and households, as well as a rebound in off-balance sheet lending


    Chinese regulators have warned of heightened risks of an asset bubble in portions of the country’s rapidly growing property market, as efforts to free up credit to support the coronavirus-stricken economy have been diverted into real estate.
    Regulators are increasingly concerned about rising leverage in the corporate and household sectors, as well as a rebound in shadow banking – informal, off-balance sheet lending by banks and other financial institutions – to fund inappropriate activities in the stock and real estate markets.
    In the past few months, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) has stepped up reprimands of banks for not complying with regulations on property-related lending.
    “Some disorder has returned to the markets. Some high-risk shadow banking activities have been revived, and some have attempted to make a comeback in new forms and new features,” said the CBIRC in a July 11 notice.
    “The leverage ratio of enterprises, households and other sectors have risen. Some funds flew into the stock and property markets violating guidelines, driving up asset bubbles.”
    Last month, CBIRC fined the Hangzhou branch of Agricultural Bank of China 600,000 yuan (US$86,000) after the state-owned bank offered consumer loans that could be used to buy property.
    The Ningbo branch of Bank of China, another large state-owned bank, was fined for 900,000 yuan for “illegal provision of financing for real estate companies, and allowing personal credit funds to flow into the housing market, violating regulations”, according to a notice published by the commission on July 9. The CBIRC also ordered disciplinary action against a Bank of China employee who it said was responsible for breaking the rules.
    As part of its effort to boost growth, China’s central bank has significantly increased the amount of money available to banks to lend, a portion of which has been funnelled into one of the world’s hottest real estate markets.

  • Banks in Asean, India face rising headwinds amid pandemic

    Moody’s vice president and senior credit officer Eugene Tarzimanov said bank downgrades so far this year in Asean and India had been driven by the latter’s banks, following the downgrade of the sovereign in June.

    “That said, the majority of the banks in the region are well-positioned at their ratings, despite a higher share of negative outlooks on bank ratings,” Tarzimanov said in a report today.

    Moody’s expects asset quality and profitability to deteriorate from good levels in 2019 across most banking systems, with Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines having the best asset quality with nonperforming loans below two per cent.

    It said while government support measures would offset some of the pressure on banks, they would not fully eliminate the negative impact.

    Despite the challenging outlook, the majority of banks are adequately capitalised, and Moody’s expects their funding and liquidity to remain sound and stable in 2020-21.

    Citing an example, the firm said regulators in India, Thailand and Vietnam had restricted bank dividends, a credit positive for banks, while the largest banks would continue to benefit from deposit inflows as they were seen as safe-heavens in times of stress.

    Moody’s expects the gross domestic product of most Asean economies and India to contract this year and gradually recover in 2021.

    The relaxation of lockdowns and resumption of economic activity will be key factors supporting the recovery.

  • Don’t use coronavirus as excuse to close branches, OCC says

    Some industry observers have questioned the future of bank branches in light of the pandemic, as customers grow accustomed to digital channels and banks rethink the viability of brick and mortar amid a recession.

    The number of bank branches in the U.S. has dwindled in the past decade. Full-service bank branches declined 12% between 2010 and 2019 — from 95,000 to 83,000, according to a Quartz analysis of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) data.

    Despite the pandemic, Brooks said the OCC is not prepared to let banks skirt existing regulations when it comes to closing branches.

    “I think the idea of, ‘We’ll just go ahead and let branches abandon our cities’ — I think we’d regret that on the back end of this,” he told the Financial Times.

    Banks regulated by the OCC must give the agency 90 days’ notice of plans to shut down branches, including a rationale for the decision.

    While the regulator plans to continue holding banks to certain standards, it has acknowledged the hardships institutions face as businesses across the country close their doors, and has called attention to the potential negative impacts of lockdowns.

    In a June letter to the leaders of the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National Association of Governors, Brooks urged local governments to consider the adverse impact state-ordered coronavirus lockdowns have on the U.S banking system.

    Prolonged lockdowns could impose several negative consequences on banks and borrowers, including mass loan delinquencies and a decrease in banking services in low- or moderate-income areas, among others, Brooks said.

    “Such high delinquency rates have the potential to threaten the community and midsize banks that are the economic lifeblood of local communities, a factor that your members should take into account in weighing the risks and benefits of lengthy continued lockdown orders,” he said.

    In a semiannual report, released late last month, the regulator said financial institutions are beginning to see the adverse credit effects of the economic shock brought on by the pandemic through increased customer forbearance requests and higher provisions for loan losses.

    “Credit losses in particular coupled with overhead expenses and lower net interest income because of monetary policy in response to COVID-19 will place some drag on financial performance of our banks,” Brooks said. “We expect that the resiliency of credit portfolios, which were very strong before the pandemic will be tested going forward.”

    The regulator also said compliance risk at banks is elevated due to a combination of government economic recovery programs — such as the CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program — and the increased number of employees working from home.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Bankers and Consumers

    The FDIC is working with federal and state banking agencies, as well as, financial institutions to consider all reasonable and prudent steps to assist customers in communities affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). In addition, the agency is monitoring information issued by international and U.S. health organizations. Regulatory agencies have encouraged financial institutions to work with customers impacted by the Coronavirus. Customers experiencing difficulties beyond their control should work directly with their financial institutions.

    Latest Information from the FDIC – How We’re Helping

    • Receiving IRS Economic Impact Payments
      The FDIC is committed to supporting Americans during the coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis. You may have received an economic impact payment from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if you qualified. Many banks offer ways to open accounts remotely – online or through a mobile app – without going to a bank branch. As long as you have a computer or a smartphone with access to the Internet, it is easy to get started. Learn more about Economic Impact Payments.
    • Beware of Scams
      If you receive calls, emails, or other communications claiming to be from the FDIC or another federal agency, and offering COVID-19 related grants or payments in exchange for personal financial information, or a charge of any kind, please do not respond. These are scams. Additional guidance on how to report COVID-19 scams is available from the U.S. Department of Treasury website. You can also read the FDIC’s Special Edition of FDIC Consumer News for COVID-19.
    • COVID-19 Information for Small Business Lenders
      The FDIC worked with the Small Business Administration (SBA) to help ensure that FDIC-supervised banks had the information they needed to become certified by the SBA to make small business loans through programs under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Small Business Administration (SBA) has completed the latest phase of the Paycheck Protection Program based on available funding. Visit Information for Small Business Lenders.

    Frequently Asked Questions for those Impacted by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):