作者: bankr

  • 金融科技发展路径图出炉组国际队拓展海外市场









  • 政策框架检讨完毕 鲍威尔要试着让人相信高通胀是好事


    美联储主席鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)周四将开始这项或许更为困难的任务:说服公众相信,在一场可以说让美国人民对政府机构丧失信任并导致大量人口失业的疫情之后,美联储能够也将会履行自己的使命。


    “目前的情势的确危险,货币政策决策者手中的弹药已所剩无几,”美联储研究部门前主管David Wilcox说。他现在是位于华盛顿的彼得森国际经济研究所的高级研究员。




    今年由堪萨斯联储主办的年度经济座谈会通常是在度假胜地怀俄明州杰克森霍尔举行,但受疫情影响改以线上方式进行。美联储官员向来会利用杰克森霍尔全球央行年会发出政策转变信号,外界预计鲍威尔在周四1310 GMT开始的演说也将是如此。





    这不仅对美联储而且对于世界各地的央行官员来说都是一个长期问题。 如果没有通胀,利率仍会低于正常水平,当经济像今年一样衰退时,就几乎没有空间透过调降利率来帮助经济。央行届时面临迅速降息至零的局面,并使用政治层面来讲较难的工具,例如债券购买或信贷计划,来支持企业和家庭。


    美联储一开始在2012年制定了通胀目标,此后大部分时间都未实现。 金融市场表明,美国10年后的预期通胀率仅为1.75%,该水准反映出几乎无需担心通胀率跳升的风险,也几乎不相信美联储能够掌控这么一个本该由央行掌控的经济变量。








    “万一不幸失业率很高而且通胀率超过2%呢?”Columbia Threadneedle高级分析师Ed Al-Hussainy表示。过去正是这种组合促使美联储在1970年代展开一场长达20年的打击通胀战役,树立起通胀斗士的公信力。


  • 金融科技企业开始逆转大银行


    “由物质(实物)转向数字是一股强大的东风,而且这股风并不是短暂性的”,在电子支付企业美国PayPal Holding召开的财报说明会上,首席执行官(CEO)丹·舒尔曼的期待之情溢于言表。





    市值之高也非常引人注目。PayPal的市值约为2300亿美元,比日本三大银行的总市值(约1300亿美元)高出7成。蚂蚁集团准备进行首次公开募股(IPO),目标是市值达到2000亿美元,逼近美国第二大的美国银行(Bank of America,约2200亿美元)。








    据QUICK FactSet统计,东证上市企业4~6月日均交易额比1~3月减少。封城措施比日本严格的纽约和伦敦反而交易增加,日本大和综研的中曾宏分析指出:“切实抓住了(随着金融数字化发展)股票和债券大幅波动带来的收益机会”。

  • 日本的银行开始对新申领纸质存折收费了












  • Cryptocurrencies help Chinese evade capital and currency controls in moving billions overseas

    Cryptocurrencies appear to be emerging as the latest means for Chinese citizens to move their assets overseas and evade the nation’s strict capital controls amid escalating tensions in US-China relations.
    The Chinese government allows its citizens to transfer the equivalent of only US$50,000 or less out of the country each year. Historically, wealthy citizens have dodged this rule through foreign investments in real estate and other assets – sometimes even using shell companies to disguise the purchases of foreign currencies as legitimate business transactions.
    But as Beijing has cracked down on some of these methods to circumvent capital controls, the use of cryptocurrencies may be picking up some of the slack as investors seek to protect their wealth in a global economy that is suffering from the trade war and the coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent report by New York-based blockchain analytic company, Chainalysis.
    More than US$50 billion in cryptocurrency assets have been moved from China-based addresses to other regions over the last 12 months, according to the report. In particular, Tether, known as a “stablecoin” because its value is pegged to the US dollar, could be playing a key role in the recent capital flight from China, Chainalysis said.
    In countries where “safe-haven fiat currencies” such as the US dollar are restricted, stablecoins are particularly attractive because they can be sold on exchanges without losing much of their value. This has caused Tether’s market capitalisation to grow massively, accounting for 93 per cent of stablecoin use in East Asia in recent years.
    “Stablecoins such as Tether have always been sought after in countries with tight capital and currency controls,” said Wayne Chen, CEO of fintech firm Interlapse. “With the political uncertainty between the US-China trade war and the existing capital and exchange controls in China, this can drive people to adopt stablecoins.”

  • 尚达曼:金管局将致力推动金融业为国人创造好工作






  • 中国财政资金直达落地“快快快” 稳经济“央妈、财爸”拼全力

    中国财政资金直达落地“快快快” 稳经济“央妈、财爸”拼全力











  • RBI Expects Inflation To Rise Further In Coming Months

    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said headline inflation picked up strongly during the closing months of 2019-20 and the short-term outlook for food inflation has turned uncertain.

    Country’s headline inflation is expected to firm up further in the coming months largely due to disruptions in food and manufactured items’ supply chains, the Reserve Bank of
    India said in its annual report for 2019-20 released on Tuesday.

    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said headline inflation picked up strongly during the closing months of 2019-20 and the short-term outlook for food inflation has turned

    “Disruptions in food and manufactured items’ supply chains could amplify sectoral price pressures, thus posing an upside risk to headline inflation. Heightened volatility in
    financial markets could also have a bearing on inflation,” said the RBI Annual Report 2019-2020.

    All of these may influence inflation expectations of households, which are adaptive in nature, and show significant sensitivity to shocks to food and fuel prices, the report

    Monetary policy, therefore, has to keep a constant vigil on price movements, especially as they can translate into generalised inflation.

    According to government data, retail inflation rose to 6.93 per cent in July, mainly driven by rising prices of food items like vegetables, pulses, meat and fish.

    In its monetary policy review earlier this month, RBI had said that the retail inflation is expected to be at elevated levels during the second quarter, but may ease in the
    second half of the current fiscal year.

    Supply chain disruptions persist, resulting in inflation pressures across segments, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said while announcing the decisions taken by the central bank’s
    Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) on August 6.

    Going by the trend of global commodity price developments and weak demand conditions, consumer price inflation remained benign during 2019 and early 2020 in a number of
    economies the overall headline inflation was subjected to higher volatility in 2019-20 relative to the previous four years, underpinned by high flux in food prices, RBI said.

    Within the food group, price spikes for different items occurred at different time points. The seasonal behaviour has changed in the case of prices of many food items such as,
    onion, ginger, brinjal, cauliflower, okra and green peas.

    Interestingly, despite being the most volatile item, seasonality in onion prices has declined significantly over the years, partly reflecting improvement in cold storage
    facilities, RBI said.

    “As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, all commodity prices dipped. The shutdown of industries in China in February 2020 and later in Europe and the US led to a
    fall in demand for metals, easing their prices.

    “Prices of food items like palm oil, soy oil, sugar and corn also declined with retrenchment in demand for ethanol and bio-diesel as crude oil prices declined,” the report

  • RBI Calls For Deep-Seated, Wide-Ranging Reforms For Sustainable Growth

    The COVID-19 pandemic will inflict deep disfiguration on the world economy and the shape of the future will be heavily contingent upon the evolving intensity, spread and duration of COVID-19 and the discovery of the elusive vaccine, the RBI said.

    Cautioning that India’s potential output may undergo a structural downshift following the pandemic, the Reserve Bank on Tuesday made a strong case for deep-seated and wide-ranging reforms to regain losses and return to the path of sustainable economic growth.

    The COVID-19 pandemic will inflict deep disfiguration on the world economy and the shape of the future will be heavily contingent upon the evolving intensity, spread and duration of COVID-19 and the discovery of the elusive vaccine, the RBI said in its ‘assessment and prospects’ which forms part of the central bank’s Annual Report for the year 2019-20.

    Post-COVID-19, the overwhelming sense is that the world will not be the same again and a new normal could emerge, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said.

    “In a post-pandemic scenario, deep-seated and wide-ranging structural reforms in factor and product markets, the financial sector, legal architecture, and in international competitiveness would be needed to regain potential output losses and return the economy to a path of strong and sustainable growth with macroeconomic and financial stability,” the RBI said.

    As in the rest of the world, “India’s potential output can undergo a structural downshift as the recovery driven by stimulus and regulatory easing gets unwound in a post-pandemic scenario,” it noted.

    Moreover, this recovery is likely to be different as the global financial crisis occurred after years of robust growth with macroeconomic stability; by contrast, COVID-19 has hit the economy after consecutive quarters of slowdown, it added.

  • A Covid-Era How-To For The Money-Wise

    A Covid-Era How-To For The Money-Wise

    Lessons on investor behaviour during the unprecedented pandemic

    Booms and bull runs lead to “irrational exuberance”, a term coined by Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, in 1996. More than a century before him, author Charles Mackay ­explained the phenomenon succinctly in his aptly titled book, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. He presciently wrote, “Every age has its peculiar folly…into which it plunges, spurred on by the love of gain, the necessity of excitement, or the mere force of imitation.”

    Panics and investment pandemics, in contrast, lead to another kind of herd mentality, a lunacy that too is irrational and dynamic. However, what drives it are the pain of loss, inevitability of volatility, and a desperate need to protect savings. Only in retrospect do investors realise the bitter truth in both cases. Economist Robert J. Shiller explained this about two decades ago when he wrote that the markets do not always ­reflect the “sum of the available ­economic information”.