概 述
1.巴塞尔银行监管委员会(以下简称委员会)现公布巴塞尔新资本协议(Basel II, 以下简称巴塞尔II)第三次征求意见稿(CP3,以下简称第三稿)。第三稿的公布是构建新资本充足率框架的一项重大步骤。委员会的目标仍然是在今年第四季度完成新协议,并于2006年底在成员国开始实施。
第一部分 新协议的主要内容
1.The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the Committee) is releasing this overview paper as an accompaniment to its third consultative paper (CP3) on the New Basel Capital Accord (also known as Basel II). The issuance of CP3 represents an important step in putting the new capital adequacy framework in place. The Committee’s goal continues to be to finalise the New Accord by the fourth quarter of this year with implementation to take effect in member countries by year end 2006.
2.The Committee believes that important public policy benefits can be obtained by improving the capital adequacy framework along two important dimensions. First, by developing capital regulation that encompasses not only minimum capital requirements, but also supervisory review and market discipline. Second, by increasing substantially the risk sensitivity of the minimum capital requirements.
3.An improved capital adequacy framework is intended to foster a strong emphasis on risk management and to encourage ongoing improvements in banks’ risk assessment capabilities. The Committee believes this can be accomplished by closely aligning banks’ capital requirements with prevailing modern risk management practices, and by ensuring that this emphasis on risk makes its way into supervisory practices and into market discipline through enhanced risk- and capital-related disclosures.
4.A critical component of the Committee’s efforts to revise the Basel Accord has been its extensive dialogue with industry participants and with supervisors from outside member countries. As a result of these consultations, the Committee believes the new framework with its various options will be suitable not only within the G10 but also for banks and for countries around the world to apply to their banking systems.