该书以当时的美国、英国、法国和德国四大央行行长为中心,讲述了他们如何惨遭失败,导致 1929 年的大萧条。
这是对人类历史上最严重的经济动荡之一——1929 年大萧条的精彩叙述。
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
The book focuses on the then heads of the four central banks – the US, Britain, France, and Germany, and narrates how they failed miserably, resulting in the Great Depression of 1929.
Book Review
This book is a real-life biography of four central bank heads – Benjamin Strong (Federal Reserve), Montagu Norman (Bank of England), Émile Moreau (Banque de France), and Hjalmar Schacht (Reichsbank). It explains how each of the central bank heads pursued different paths to recovery after the 1st World War, but none of them was able to find the right path. It is an exceptionally well-written book, and you can’t wait to see what happens next. Although it is not a textbook, the book provides enough details about some advanced finance topics, such as international lending, the gold standard, and devaluation of the currency
Best Takeaways
It is an excellent narrative of one of the worst economic turmoil witnessed in human history – The Great Depression of 1929.
It is a meticulously curated account of four of the most influential persons in the world and their actions during the financial crisis



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