Mary Ellen Iskenderian 最初在高级金融、并购领域工作,然后在雷曼兄弟公司担任投资银行家。然而,她很快意识到她的热情并不是赚大钱。Iskenderian 继续成为女性世界银行的总裁兼首席执行官,这是一家全球性非营利组织,致力于为低收入女性提供获得自身安全和繁荣所需的金融工具和资源
在《十亿女性无微不至:让金融为女性服务》一书中,她写道,她的使命是尽自己的一份力量来纠正全球约 10 亿女性被排除在正规金融体系之外的问题。被拒之门外意味着这些女性没有银行账户,无法存钱、支付账单或获得信贷。这使他们没有必要的资金继续前进或退出某种情况,例如不再为他们和他们的孩子工作的糟糕婚姻。这也意味着它们无法为经济增长做出贡献。
Women’s World Banking 在墨西哥、印度尼西亚、尼日利亚和肯尼亚设有前哨站,帮助许多经济发展中国家的妇女。它现在正在开设一个美国分支机构,该分支机构将解决美国的收入不平等问题——美国女性拥有男性资产的 40%,而黑人和拉丁裔女性拥有的资产要少得多,分别为 12% 和 8%。该非营利组织还运营着两个影响力投资基金,管理资产 (AUM)达 1.5 亿美元。
Best on Helping Women Excluded From the Financial System: There’s Nothing Micro About a Billion Women
Mary Ellen Iskenderian started out working in high finance, merger & acquisitions, then as an investment banker at Lehman Brothers. However, she soon realized that her passion was not making lots of money. Iskenderian went on to become president and CEO Women’s World Banking, a global nonprofit focused on giving low-income women access to the financial tools and resources they need for their own security and prosperity
In There’s Nothing Micro About a Billion Women: Making Finance Work for Women, she writes that her mission is doing her part to rectify how about one billion women worldwide are excluded from the formal financial system. Being shut out means that these women don’t have a bank account, are unable to save money, pay bills or get credit. This leaves them without the wherewithal to move ahead or exit a situation, such as a bad marriage that is no longer working for them and their children. It also means that they are unable to contribute to economic growth.
Women’s World Banking helps women in many economically developing nations with outposts in Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Kenya. It is now starting a United States branch, which will tackle American income inequality—U.S. women have 40% of the assets of men, and Black and Latina women have much less, 12% and 8%, respectively. The nonprofit also runs two impact investing funds with $150 million in assets under management (AUM).